Trained by Discipline - Beloved Women - December 20, 2018

Trained by Discipline – Beloved Women – December 20, 2018


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. - Hebrews 12:11 NIV


I hit send on the email to submit my manuscript to a publisher. Then I waited to hear back from them. Months went by and nothing. Finally, I received an email back with recommendations for writing courses. My heart sank as I read through the comments provided. My writing skills needed a lot of help. Thoughts of quitting filled my head.

Several years later, I am still writing. The discipline needed to improve my writing skills was not easy, but it paid off in the long run. Discipline never feels good, especially in our walk with God. We want to take the easy road while reaping the reward of eternal life. God wants us to learn His ways and follow His paths to eternal life. His plans are better than ours, so He disciplines us to get us back on the right track. He teaches those He loves.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for holding me accountable in my faith. Thank you for loving your children and wanting to teach us your ways. Please help us to remember and accept the discipline You give. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


What areas of your life to do you need to submit to God's loving correction?


Find more encouragement from Yvonne Morgan here.


As our to-do lists grow so does our longing to make time for God. With everything we have going on as women, we're left desperate for God's peace, direction, and refreshment yet seeming little time to seek Him. The LIFE Bible Journal is here to help you reap the benefits of consistently engaging God's Word. Using our 4 "R"s Bible Study method, each study page guides you through the scriptures helping you to simply pull out meaning from the text and apply what you've learned to your everyday life. If you're looking for a resource to help you put God first by making time for Bible Study, this is the journal for you. Purchase your LIFE Bible Journal now by clicking here.

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Originally published Thursday, 20 December 2018.