11-Year-Old with Inoperable Brain Tumor Is Cured

Published Dec 18, 2024
11-Year-Old with Inoperable Brain Tumor Is Cured

Doctors in Texas are baffled after an 11-year-old girl diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor is cured. Roxli Doss and her family were devastated to learn that she had a tumor called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) with has no cure. This rare diagnosis would leave Roxli with symptoms such as loss of vision and decreased an ability to talk or swallow.

Doctors from multiple hospitals all agreed that Roxli had DIPG, so the brave girl went through weeks of radiation and other treatments. During this time, the community rallied around Roxli and her family, hosting benefits and fundraisers to help pay for medical costs. Her parents, Scott and Gena Doss, prayed for a miracle and that’s exactly what happened. During an MRI scan of Roxli’s brain, the tumor was completely undetectable. Doctors could not explain what happened and they’re still completely baffled, but this Godly family knows exactly who to thank. As they fought back the tears, this family is giving all the credit for Roxli’s miraculous recovery to God.

“Everyday we still say it,” said mom Gena. “It’s kind of our family thing that God healed Roxli.” Now, this spunky 11-year-old is back to her normal routine of playing outside and riding horses. Even though the doctors may not have an explanation, we know in our hearts that God reached His healing hand out to this family.

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/KVUE

Originally published Thursday, 26 December 2024.