20 Powerful Prayers for Newborn Babies and Their Protection

Melissa Henderson

A prayer for a baby is one of the most loving and special ways to show how much we care for God’s children. Powerful prayers for babies and their protection can be spoken, thought, or written. God is always listening. He hears the prayers of His people. Whether the baby is in the womb and being greatly anticipated or has been born and is being showered with love, God cherishes the child. God creates each of us to be unique and special. His creations are blessed.

What Does the Bible Say about Babies?

Scripture shares about God’s creations. In Genesis, we read how God created the world, including man and woman. The Bible also shares how we are God’s handiwork (Ephesians 2:10 ) NIV.

God knew us before we were in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). What comfort to know God loves all the babies before they are born. We are His.

In Sunday School, as young children, you may have learned songs about Jesus loving the little children. Think of those songs and other stories about children and remember His love for You.

5 Prayers for Newborn Baby Health

Father, please protect this newborn baby. Give this precious one good health, strength, and stamina. Keep illnesses and harm away from this child. Thank You, Lord, Amen.

Dear God, Thank You for this newborn baby. Please put Your hedge of protection over this child and bring health, happiness, and a desire to know You (Jeremiah 29:11). In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord, this newborn baby needs good health. The baby is sick and needs Your help. Please give this child a strong body and mind. Help us to know the correct ways to guide this baby physically and spiritually. Thank You, Father, Amen.

Our Father, we come to You and ask for continued good health for this newborn baby. May this child strengthen and grow to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Fill this baby with Your love and glory. Let this child know they are loved by You and by us. Amen.

God, thank You for this newborn baby. We lift the child up to You and ask for peaceful sleep and good health for this precious child and for our family, too. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

5 Prayers for Babies Still in the Womb

Father, this baby is growing in the womb. Please place Your hedge of protection over this child and the mother. Help every needed nutrient to reach this baby. May the mother and the baby be protected from illness and stress. May each moment bring less worry and stress. Thank You, Lord, Amen.

Dear God, the baby is growing inside the womb. Please protect the mother and the baby in every moment as they wait for the time of birth. Your sweet child carries another one of your precious children. Build the bond between mother, father, and child. Strengthen the family unit. Thank You, Father, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I ask for good health and happiness for this special baby in my womb. You know the plans You have for this child. May I be patient and ready when this child is born. Please make the birth a smooth process. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Father, this is my first pregnancy. As I feel the movement of this child in the womb, I pray for the baby to be happy, healthy, and to grow closer to You in each moment (1 Samuel 27-28) NIV. Please help me take care of my body and take care of this child. Thank You for being with us. Help this child to know how much they are loved. Amen.

Dear God, Thank You for this baby. Our prayers were answered. You are giving us a child. Help us to show Your love and glory to this child while they are still in the womb and when they are born into this world. May we never forget Your gift of life. Give us courage, strength, and stamina as we prepare for the birth of this blessed child. Amen.

5 Prayers for Baby Protection

Father, thank You for this baby. Please place Your protection over this child. May no harm come to them. The world can be scary. The world can also be a wonderful place to learn about You and to share Your love with others. Protect this baby and bring joy to this child. I pray this child will have a deep relationship with You. Thank You, Father, Amen.

God, please protect this baby from viruses and other illnesses. Give this baby a strong heart, lungs, and body. Help us to make the correct decisions when medical issues arise. Thank You, Amen.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for this baby. We waited so long to have a child. Please protect this baby and bring them into the world with good health. Help me to protect this baby by taking care of my body. Help me to do the right things to help this baby grow strong. Amen.

Dear Father, Please help us shield and protect this baby from harm. Be with us as we learn a new way of life. Guide us as we learn how to care for a baby with special needs. Thank You, In Your Name, Amen.

Lord, I come to you today and ask for protection for my baby. There are unknown medical conditions that are causing pain and sickness. Help the doctors to know the right course of treatment. Please protect this dear baby. Thank You. In the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.

5 Prayers to Thank God for a Newborn

Father, Thank You for this new life. Thank You for the love You have filled our lives with and the love You have for this newborn. Each moment of life is a new opportunity to share Your love with our child. Help us to show Your love to other parents of newborns. In the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.

Dear God, You’ve given us a true miracle. You have provided this newborn for our family. Our hearts overflow with love and thanksgiving. May we always feel Your loving hands on our family. Thank You, Amen.

Father, after the heartbreak of miscarriage, we weren’t sure if a child would be part of our lives. Thank You, God, for this newborn and the love we are ready to share. We are forever grateful. May we always remember how You heard our cries and answered our prayers. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, we cry tears of happiness as we give thanks to You for this precious newborn. May we always remember the love You have for Your Son and the love You have for us. Thank You, Father, Amen.

God, we thank You for this child. A newborn that fills our hearts and homes with love and joy. I pray that our family will share the good news of the Gospel with this child as they develop a strong relationship with You. Amen.

Each baby is a precious gift from God. With each new baby, there is a wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ and to help grow the faith of the child. Look into the eyes of a child and you may experience the love God has for all of His children.

Further Reading

A Prayer for Baby

Prayers for My Baby

Photo credit: Irina Murza/Unsplash

Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages sometimes laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals, and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages sometimes laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals, and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. 

Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister. 

Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.com

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This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. 

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