A Prayer to Share the Gospel with Someone New - Your Daily Prayer - March 16

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A Prayer to Share the Gospel with Someone New
By Chris Eyte

“For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.” - Matthew 25:14-15

I am reading through John’s Gospel with my children at the moment. We study a passage in the car whilst my wife drives each morning on the way to dropping them off at school. I will often ask them the question, ‘What does the word gospel mean?’ And they’ve come to understand the answer: good news. But I remind them that the word ‘gospel’ aka ‘good news’ is meant to be said with a smile! How many times have we been to a religious service and heard a minister echoing his voice solemnly, ‘the gospel according to…’

Well, if it is ‘the gospel,’ logically, we should be showing that in our voice and every aspect of our demeanor. I don’t mean if you struggle with mental health, you should force a smile or pretend to feel physically good if unwell. But the gospel is precisely the gospel because it is light for those walking in all types of darkness. It is the hope we need in the nightmare and that’s what we remember at Easter. The gospel takes us not just to the cross but out the other side to the empty grave!  

Other people are living through nightmares too - but they don’t know the hope in Jesus. You may not be the next Billy Graham sharing the gospel with millions. But you may be called instead to give loving attention to just one other person. In the parable of the talents, God rewards the man who makes five times as much money from the five talents given to him. And the servant who makes twice as much from the two given is also rewarded. But the one who buries his talent is punished. 

If you know Jesus as Lord and Savior, you may not have been given five talents to share. But it’s very likely you’ve been given two - so do share the gospel today with someone new! A member of your family, or a mom or dad at school, or an office worker, or a lonely old woman sitting on a bench, or a drunk propping up a bar. Build relationships for the Lord! Yes, I am saying this to myself too! Let’s focus on the one or two people with the same loving strength as God has focused on you and I! Give priority to friendships with others and love as Christ loves us! 

Let's pray:

There are millions of people walking into hell because they don’t know you or refuse your love. You once said that the harvest is plenty but the workers are few. There are dying people who need to receive you. I know it is impossible for me to love in my own strength, but I can love because you first loved me. So today, I open my heart to you, Holy Spirit, and ask you to move through me to strangers. Give me insight and revelation to reach the lost. Give me the confidence to approach others and build friendships with them. Help me to listen, help me to speak in love. Give me afresh the anointing needed so that they can know there is indeed the living God, and He cares for them. I lay down my life for your cause because only your cause is worthy.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen!

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Pamela D. McAdams

Christopher Eyte lives with his wife Céline and three children in Swansea, Wales, UK. He has worked as a journalist for many years and writes his own blog (hislovefrees.life) encouraging others in their walk with Jesus. He became a Christian in February 2002, after a friend explained God's amazing grace!

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Originally published Saturday, 16 March 2024.