Joy of Christ When Anxiety Hits - Wholly Loved - June 11

Joy of Christ When Anxiety Hits

By Kristen Terrette

“When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy.” Psalm 94:19

Anxiety makes my skin crawl, my heart race, and my muscles tense. I react physically when I’m apprehensive, worrying, or fearful. You may understand how difficult this emotion is to get rid of. When I feel this way, nothing can console me.

Except God.

Recently, late one night, a situation filled me with dread and transitioned into anxiety. With nausea threatening, I mulled over how to handle this possible problem. Joy was lost as worry hindered my ability to relax and feel God’s presence and sovereignty. Nothing had happened yet, but my unease lead to sleeplessness. Only then did I recognize I hadn’t gone to God with what plagued me.

I should know this already! Please forgive me!” I cried, then asked for His help by prayerfully surrendering the situation to Him. I fell asleep soon after with petitions to Jesus still circling my mind.

The issue was resolved by the time I awoke through nothing I had done. And I was well-rested, having slept soundly in my Savior’s arms. He consoled me like nothing else could, giving me the joy of knowing God was with me and working on my behalf, in place of restlessness, and provided victory over my internal battles.

When anxiety slithers in, like the slinking snake it is, turn to Jesus. Allow Him to comfort you as you release your cares to Him. You will find a joy that brings rest, peace, and a sweet security in place of worry, fear, and anxiety.

Kristen Terrette is passionate about storytelling and helping people take their next steps in their relationship with Jesus. She lives forty-five minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She served as a Children's Ministry Director for many years, and with the support of her husband and two children, she now stays home writing Christian fiction and non-fiction. She also serves on the women's leadership team at her local church and writes for Crosswalk and Wholly Loved Ministries. You can check out her articles and novels at

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Originally published Tuesday, 11 June 2024.