My Eyes Not On Me, But On The Most High - Encouragement Café - June 24

My Eyes Not On Me, But On The Most High
 By Dawn Mast

I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me. Psalm 57:2 NLT

It's not about me. Even when I think it's about me, or when I really, really want it to be about me, it's not about me. It's about Him. Sometimes I get caught up in how left out I feel or how my needs aren't being met and the spiral begins. I take a ride downhill on the "mycycle" (a term a just made up now).

It's very OK and even healthy to acknowledge when we are hurt, feel left out or feel in a frumpy, grumpy mood. We are human and it happens. If we felt perfect and our feelings were never dented, we'd have less need for Jesus. But sitting day in and day out in the same place emotionally and contemplating ourselves, takes our focus off the Lord and His Sovereignty.

I have such admiration for Abram in Genesis 14 when he pours his trust into God and just does what He tells him to do. He looks to God by His Name of Most High God and seeks Him as such.

We are not "most high". He is. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves and what we want and how we feel that we forget God, The Most High. We all do it from time to time, especially when life gets in the way and we forget to listen to the Lord.

He is waiting to listen. The Most High is never too busy for us.

It's sometimes hard to think "Most High" thoughts when we are living on earth, an unholy and ungodly place at times. We really are not of this world, yet here we are and we really must live, move and have our being here as long as He sees fit to keep us here. Some ways we can be of a heavenly mindset while living on earth are:

  • Daily prayer and Bible reading so we can cultivate a heart like Jesus.
  • Ask the Lord to show you who you can share the Gospel with. He will be faithful!              
  • Thank the Lord for being "Most High" in your life and guiding your life in His will.
  • Walk alongside other believers who are struggling and remind them that God is the "Most High" of their life. He is in charge and will see them through.

Thank You, Father God, for being our Most High. Your Word says Your ways are higher than our ways and Your thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). We know we can trust You because You know what is best for us in all circumstances. Thank You, for being the One Whom we can trust and for always being our Most High God. Amen. 

© 2019 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Monday, 24 June 2024.