Broken and Waiting - Encouragement Café - May 6

Broken and Waiting
 By Judy Fussell

I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1

The text was captioned, “FINALLY”.  I opened it to find a photo of a bird eating from the feeder we had given our son. I could feel the excitement as that image was shared with me.

The feeder had been filled and attached to a window outside the eating area in our son’s home. After more than a month, not one bird had appeared! The family had anticipated watching the activity as birds flew in and feasted upon the delights they had supplied.  Actually, the feeder had fallen, a total of three times, to the concrete patio below. The fiberglass roof had finally broken completely off. Each time, the battered feeder had been lovingly refilled, replaced and rehung with the question hanging along with it, “Would a bird ever visit?”

I had just read Psalm 40 when that text appeared and couldn’t help but compare the waiting, brokenness, and joy to David those long years ago. David dealt with illness, the pursuit of enemies, and the consequences of his own personal sin. He was broken. “For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see.”  40:12. Yet, David’s lips praised the Lord even in the midst of his troubles. He trusted in God’s love and sovereignty. “I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.”  40:8

Here we are so many years after David penned this Psalm, and we are no different. We face brokenness, consequences of sin, and numerous troubles that threaten to smother and overwhelm us.  As Christians, we carry the hope promised to us by Christ just as David carried God’s law in his heart. We are redeemed, forgiven, and belong to God as His very own children.

In the midst of trouble, David remembered the many wonders the Lord had done that were too many to count. He knew God’s plans for His own children were to prosper, not to harm, and to give a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)  David continually proclaimed God’s righteousness, His faithfulness, salvation, love and truth as he waited upon the Lord. The goal of his life was to exalt God and see Him glorified!

Are you in a place of waiting? Do you feel surrounded and overwhelmed by life’s struggles? Do you doubt that your brokenness can ever be made beautiful and useful to our Holy God?

Do not despair! There’s purpose in waiting. We learn patience. We cling to God’s truth and our trust grows. We know the peace that passes understanding as we dwell in the presence of Almighty God and praise Him for who He is.  Oh, and the joy that comes after the waiting is even more sweet and exciting as we experience His love first hand! And, always, all glory belongs to our exalted God!

Just as that broken bird feeder was continually refilled and replaced with the hope that birds would come, we fill our broken vessels with God’s Word, praise Him and wait in expectation for His marvelous glory to be revealed! There is inexpressible joy that comes after the waiting! (Psalm 30:5)

Read David’s words in Psalm 40 and Psalm 30. Meditate upon them. Let these words fill your heart with expectation and hope.

Thank You, Lord for this simple lesson in patiently waiting for You. Let us always be filled with Your truth and the trust that helps us through the hard times. You use our broken vessels in beautiful ways to ultimately bring glory and honor where it is due. Oh Lord, we praise You, always!  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

© 2019 by Judy Fussell.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Monday, 06 May 2024.