All the Details - Encouragement Café - August 9

All the Details
 By Paris Renae

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5

In our humanness everything is marked by time – days, years…

Remembering the year of the bad storms, the day a loved one died. Remembering good too – the day we had our first child, the year we bought our first house.

Funny how we love ‘new’ – new clothes, new cars, new restaurants. We even call babies newborns, referring to them as ‘their new baby’.

As I thought about this I pondered why. What is our love of new all about? I think it’s planted deep in us, something not yet marred with wear and tear, age, dirt – or sin.

As we look forward to this ‘New’ year let’s look a little further – eternity. Our Father has told us that someday He will make everything new. Our broken hearts, broken bodies, relationships, creation – everything.

If we are His, new is ours:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

What is this new that has come to us?

Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 that we are made new in the attitude of our minds and we put on our new self... His righteousness and holiness clothe us now.

Just coming away from the holidays we can all remember our online shopping experiences – many with free shipping, but for those last-minute purchases paying extra.

Our renewal has no additional handling or shipping fees, the price is already paid. This gift from God who loves us so much is making us new now and giving us an eternity with all things new, prepared with us in mind.

Maybe we aren’t supposed to mark this year by events or time, but by our growth in our knowledge of our loving God.

To go moment by moment trusting.

To go day by day seeking.

To go week by week reaching the hearts of others.

To go month by month with Jesus renewing a steadfast spirit within us.

Till we can look back on our year and see an awesome God in all the details, trials, and joys.

This year I want to be purposeful, renewing day by day my thought life, seeking to know my Father better, trusting that He is indeed in control, and living in a way that others may find Him. How about you?

Oh, Father, we are so earthbound, so caught up in time. Before we bring all our needs to You, help us bring our hearts. Please purpose our hearts to be more focused on searching for You in our daily lives and living with eternity in sight. Let Your light so shine through us that we can make You known. Your words are indeed, Trustworthy and True. Let this year be to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2019 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Friday, 09 August 2024.