Are You Willing to Fail for God? - Beloved Women - March 6, 2019

Are You Willing to Fail for God? – Beloved Women – March 6, 2019


So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you. – Jeremiah 7:27 ESV


Would you invest your time and energy into an effort you knew would end in failure? Probably not. Am I right? Failure is scary. It comes with baggage like shame and insecurity. It makes us question our worth and fear others’ rejection. But what would you do, if God asked you to “fail” for Him?

From a worldly perspective, God asks the prophet Jeremiah to preach repentance to a people who’d reject his message. God asked Jeremiah to work without seeing positive results from labor – what many of us would consider failure.

Despite many discouraging experiences, Jeremiah chose to fulfill his calling. Instead of allowing Judah’s response to his ministry define him, Jeremiah chose to measure his success by his obedience to God. 

As Christians, we must reject the lie that our value is found in what we achieve. Like Jeremiah, let’s choose to find significance in every season of our lives by measuring our success by our obedience to God.


God, thank You for creating us in Your image and giving us intrinsic worth. Please help us shift from a worldly perspective on success and see our accomplishments through the lens of our obedience. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Is God calling you to do something scary or unglamorous? How can you practically shift to a God-centered mindset concerning success?


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Originally published Wednesday, 06 March 2019.