Joy at Any Age - Beloved Women - June 18, 2024

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Joy at Any Age – Beloved Women – June 18, 2024

READ:They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.” (Psalms 92:14 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT:  Gardeners like myself, love perennials because you do the work to establish them once, and then they bloom repeatedly. Perennials are lasting or existing for a long or infinite time, enduring or continually recurring.  Did you know that there are perennial vegetables?

Asparagus is the most popular perennial vegetable. Other perennials are artichokes, broccoli, radicchio, rhubarb, spinach, and sweet potato. For most perennials, if you keep the roots weed-free, they can produce for twenty years or more. Perennials have deeper root systems, so they need fewer outside resources, such as fertilizer and water, than other crops typically need.

Humans can be perennial. Just because you’re old does not mean you are cold. You may do some of your best work as an older person because your roots run deep. Feed yourself on the word of God, gaining a heavenly perspective so that you can still bear fruit at any age, just like an evergreen and perennial plant.

PRAY: Dear Lord, water me with Your Word and Your presence. May I be like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and whose leaf does not wither. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray, Amen

REFLECT: How can you ensure that you have deep roots?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Nylse Esahc at

RELATED RESOURCE: If you want to grow in your relationship with God through the study of His Word but studying the Bible seems complicated, overwhelming, or even intimidating, then the LIFE Bible Journal is just for you! Each study page guides you through your personal Bible study helping you to practically understand and apply God’s Word to your everyday life.  See how simple and rewarding Bible study can be with the LIFE Bible Journal. Click here to get your LIFE Bible Journal today!

© 2020 by Nylse Esahc. All rights reserved.

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Originally published Tuesday, 18 June 2024.