Chapter 2 - Forgiving What You Can't Forget - iB Book Club

Published Aug 21, 2022
Chapter 2 - Forgiving What You Can't Forget - iB Book Club

Last Friday, we discussed Chapter 2 of Lysa Terkeurst's Forgiving What You Can't Forget.

Last Friday, we discussed Chapter 2 of Lysa Terkeurst's Forgiving What You Can't Forget.

It was uh-mazing! But, in case you missed the YouTube live, I have a few key takeaways I would like for you to consider: 

1. Do you find yourself masking your un-forgiveness with hyperspiritualized phrases like, "Well, God says I should forgive, so I have," or "It's just the right thing to do to forgive them and move on"? How can simply slapping Christain phrases on top of experiences keep us from doing the grit work of truly forgiving? Think through Paul's early letters to the Church and recall how often Paul told believers to work through their salvation, work through their unbelief, work through their hard times, rather than using spiritual fluff to throw a bandaid on a gaping soul wound.

2. Just as Jesus doesn't put different sins on different scales in light of our need for justification, do you think Jesus sees our grief in the same way? Do you think it's possible Jesus isn't comparing how "big" or "small" our struggles are, but instead, he is proactively choosing to empathize with us all with equal amounts of grace and kindness? 

3. Lots of thoughts in this chapter brought about conviction for me, but think about this one key chapter phrase: "Unhealed hurt often becomes unleashed hurt spewed out on others." If we have been hurt by unforgiveness, is it possible that if we don't forgive, we become so bitter that we are the reason others are hurt and now struggle with unforgiveness? Do you think this can become a destructive cycle we unintentionally weave into the lives of those we love most?

Guys, if you haven't had the chance to join the iB Book Club yet, I'd love for you to hop online next Friday at 1 pm ET for chapter three of Forgiving What You Can't Forget

Special Side Note: If you want to stay updated on all things iB Book Club, make sure to hit the subscribe button under the video, and if you have any suggestions or thoughts to share with me, feel free to connect with me on Instagram @peytonmgarland.

Originally published Wednesday, 24 August 2022.