How to Create Quality Time with Your Spouse

Darcie Fuqua

How is your marriage? 

Even if your answer is great, you know it takes a concerted effort, time, and prayer to keep your marriage strong, engaged, and healthy. Staying in love requires communication and sacrifice by both partners. Spending quality time together is one of the most important ways to keep your relationship flourishing. According to Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages, the love language of quality time is about communicating your love and affection by spending exclusive time together.

Making eye contact, actively listening, and being present are keys to making the most out of your time together. This undivided attention requires removing distractions such as phones and tablets. You might need to look the opposite way of the dirty dishes and the mental to-do list for the time spent together. 

Quality time together as a couple will look different depending on the season of your life. Right now, our living room floors have scattered tiny toys ready to impale your bare feet when you least expect it. Colorful drawings cover the refrigerator, and sippy cups and cereal bowls litter the counters. My husband and I are knee-deep in the season of parenting young children, which is rewarding yet exhausting. Of course, our alone time is limited and quickly interrupted. So we have to get creative and focus on quality, not quantity, time together.

Whatever season, or the number of years you've been married, spending quality time can take some planning, compromise, and a lot of grace, but it is vital to a lasting and loving relationship. Let's discover some ways to create quality time with your spouse. 

Spend Time Together with the Kids

Have you heard the phrase, "the couple who plays together stays together"? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of quality time is time spent giving all of one's attention to someone close. Typically, this equates to spending one-on-one time together, but this is not always an option when you have children. Incorporating the kids in the mix might not be the ideal form of spending quality time together, but it can be a great family-bonding experience for your whole gang. Here are four ideas to get started:

Spend Time Together in the Mundane

It doesn't take much to rearrange schedules and enjoy a cup of coffee with each other in the morning. There are many tasks and chores throughout the day where you can slip in a devoted 15 to 30 minutes in conversation. Let's look at four ways to sneak in quality time during everyday duties:

Spend Time Together with a Date Night In

A date night at the house is a terrific option when you have young kids or budget constraints. Plan a date night in just like you would a date night out on the town. Get dressed up if you want and drink plenty of caffeine to stay up past the kids' bedtime. Daytime dates are a great option as well.

Spend Time Together on a Date Night Out

One of my mentors, Dr. Bob, told me that a weekly date night is one of the keys to his fifty years of marriage. When he was a doctoral student, he was married and had a toddler. A professor brought him into his office and told him that he was the only married student and the only one with a child. The professor wanted him to graduate and stay married, so he assigned Dr. Bob an extra course. 

He would have to take his wife on a weekly date night, and they both couldn't talk about work, school, or their child. They also had to do things and have conversations that reminded them why they fell in love. They had to get creative with their dates because Dr. Bob was a poor college student at the time, and he paid his students to babysit with extra credit. They never missed a week during his program, and they kept the weekly night out tradition going through another child and two businesses. Dr. Bob will tell you it saved his marriage. 

Most of us with young kids can't get away for date night every week, but setting aside time and money for an occasional escape should be a priority. Here are a few options to spice things up:

Spend Time Together by Learning Something New

Learning something new doesn't have to be done outside the home with all the online tutorials and videos available. If you attend a church with younger families, chances are they host a Parent's Night Out on occasion. Our church even provided swing dance lessons and babysitting for couples to prepare for our Valentine's Ball. If your church doesn't offer activities for young families, it might be a good time to help organize some events for couples to spend time together. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/PeopleImages

Darcie Fuqua is a Business Analyst, Auburn Grad (War Eagle!), Christian blogger & podcast host, and mental health advocate. She is from the deep south of Alabama, where she currently resides with her husband, two energetic fun-loving boys, and a dog named Charlie. She loves sinking her toes in the sand, cuddling with her boys, and having great conversations over a table of good food. You can read more of her writing on her website and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram. Check out Darcie’s latest project as cohost of Therapy in 10.

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