According to one Gallup survey, about four in 10 Americans with health insurance put off medical care because of increasing costs.
During a recent interview with CBN News, Katy Tolento of the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries shared why the nation’s healthcare system is broken and how a majority of children are suffering from a chronic disease.
According to one Gallup survey, about four in 10 Americans with health insurance put off medical care because of increasing costs.
When asked if healthcare is more difficult to afford, Tolento explained that it is part of how the healthcare system is designed.
“I think it's broken for us, but it's working exactly as designed for the healthcare industry it benefits quite perfectly,” she explained.
She noted that it’s designed to maintain “secret prices” and “secret contracts” between “actors in the healthcare industry, including “charities working for the IRS or Shady middlemen in the drug supply chain called Pharmacy benefit managers who refuse to show anybody their compensation and their funding streams and their prices.”
Tolento added other factors, such as private equity doctor practices that surprise people with the billing following a trip to the ER or from anesthesiologists who charge patients following surgery.
“Ultimately, this comes down to simply price transparency in every industry except Healthcare we know the price in advance, and if you don't, you're not allowed to charge under the Uniform.
Commercial Code more than the fair market rate,” she said.
Tolento also explained that a shortage of healthcare reasons is one reason that there is a long wait in trying to get an appointment or scheduling for surgeries and other procedures. She added that some of those healthcare workers have quit because they did not want to be forced to take a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine or because they were underpaid.
For believers, she noted, it was harder to go into the medical field because that would mean that they would have to carry out procedures that conflict with their faith, such as abortion.
When asked which of the 2024 presidential candidates had the best healthcare plans, Tolento said neither candidates on the Democrat or Republican side had good ones, except for former president and current candidate Donald Trump and his initiative on chronic disease and children’s health.
During the interview, Tolento described the crisis of children with chronic diseases as the “underreported story” of a generation.
“More than half of all children have a chronic disease this is totally unprecedented
and it's due to many factors”, she said.
She noted some of these factors do with FDA-approved products on children without “good research on their efforts”, vaccines lacking “very good safety data”, obesity drugs, and a processed food supply.
In addition to Trump, she pointed to efforts from Florida governor Ron DeSantis in light of his taking on COVID and corrupt health interests in Florida.
Founded in 2007, the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries (AHCSM) is based in Washington, D.C., and was launched in a joint effort, The Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries (AHCSM).
“Alliance Members serve Christians throughout the United States and many foreign countries by enabling them to share health care costs and provide financial, emotional, and spiritual support to members,” the ministry states on its website.
Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Pornpak Khunatorn
Video Courtesy: CBN News via YouTube