Praying Over Our Agenda

Sarah Martin

Live It Out
Published Aug 06, 2013
Praying Over Our Agenda
When we pray over our daily tasks, we rearrange how we look at our day, looking ahead with a heart focused on God and His agenda for our life.

I sat on my couch on a Monday morning to do what every “good” Jesus Girl should do –– start the week off reading my Bible. I flipped it open, pulled out my journal and started to read from the chapter left off reading last time. I probably sat for a good ten minutes reading the same paragraph over and over while not really reading it at all. I couldn’t concentrate and as my eyes moved across Scripture, my mind rabbit trailed down my mental list of everything on my agenda for that day.

The “good” Jesus Girl in me said that I must have Bible time checked off before I even begin to attempt my day. It wasn’t long before guilt over that rabbit trail set in because I wasn’t technically starting my day in pure prayer and worship to the Lord –– I was focused on myself.

As I scanned the Scripture, something stirred in me which caused me to put the Bible aside (for a moment), pick up my journal and scribble out my to-do list for the day and upcoming week. Task after task spilled out on the page. It felt good to purge the list on paper and get it out of my head.

I then proceeded to pray over my agenda.

Father God, forgive me for not doing this so much sooner––for not handing over my agenda to You. I’m stressed out of the enormity of this list. Please help! Amen.

A simple prayer...yes. An effective prayer...absolutely! That particular Monday morning I only had two hours and forty-five minutes to accomplish everything I could possible accomplish. It was go time and the crunch was very real. With a lighter heart and more confidence, I began to tick off that list and work efficiently. Two hours later I reevaluated where I stood and what do you know, the list was complete. I even had forty-five minutes to spare.

Thank You, Lord!

Since my light bulb moment that one Monday morning, I’ve integrated prayer over my agenda regularly. It is part of my Jesus Girl Bible time. I don’t have to feel guilty for putting my agenda before my time with the Lord because I am inviting Him into the organization of my day and week. I see this activity –– praying over my agenda –– as part of my daily worship.

I pray and worship Him with my agenda because I know I am so much more effective when I consult the maker of the universe rather than rely on my own knowledge.

I pray and worship Him with my agenda because I need Him to arrange my priorities. How often do we run the rat race daily instead of focus on what really matters in life?

I pray and worship Him with my agenda because it is exciting to let Jesus shake up my list. When we unclinch our need for control we open ourselves up to God doing ministry through us as we go about our day. How often do I miss an opportunity to stop what I’m doing to love and serve someone because I am too laser focused on the task at hand?

I invite you to join me in prayer and worship over our agenda together. Let’s rearrange how we look at our day because we are looking ahead with a heart focused on God and His agenda for our life. What we only think is important for this day might pale in comparison for the great adventure that He has planned should we decide to worship Him in prayer.

Take a moment to jot down your current to-do list in your journal. Write every single thing you must get done today. Just let it spill out on the page.

Here are a few prayer prompts that I encourage you to write out below your agenda. Fill in your prayer after writing out these prompts...

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that You are in charge over my life...
(Write out areas in your life that have you stressed out these days)

Father, forgive me for not releasing control over these areas to You...

I release this list to You. Have Your way in my life today. Shake it up...
(Continue this prayer with words of worship as You give Him control of your day)

Lord, show me ways I need to rearrange this list. I make Your agenda my priority...
(Allow God to show you items on your list that are the most meaningful)

I sincerely hope that you will join me in this new way of looking at our daily agenda. May we live our day with a new perspective filled with peace and joy rather than stress and fret. May we worship our Lord in prayer everyday by saying His ways are higher, His plans are greater, His glory is greater than our own.

What do you think? How do you see the activity of praying over your agenda as a game changer for you each day?

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Sarah Martin loves encouraging young adult women to LIVE OUT! the Kingship of Christ in everyday life. She is the author of the book Stress Point: Thriving Through Your Twenties In A Decade Of Drama. Read more from Sarah at LIVE IT OUT! blog.