How Can I Grow in My Relationship with Jesus This New Year?

Vivian Bricker

Contributing Writer
Updated Dec 05, 2023
How Can I Grow in My Relationship with Jesus This New Year?

Dedicating your New Year to growing in your relationship with Jesus is a noble cause, but remember that it is not an end goal. You will constantly be growing in your relationship with Christ every year.

Many people have the goal of growing in their relationship with Jesus for the New Year. This is a beautiful goal to have for the New Year and it is probably the most important resolution you could ever make. If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus this year, you have come to the right place. 

First, you need to know that just because you want to grow in your relationship with Christ shows that you are dedicated to following Jesus. Many people make other New Year resolutions that are focused on themselves; however, by wanting to grow in your relationship with Jesus, you are showing that you truly want to glorify God with this New Year. 

Reading the Bible and Praying

A great way to grow in your relationship with Jesus this New Year is to read your Bible and pray. This should not be a one-time occasion. Rather, you should be reading your Bible and praying daily. While you may have heard it many times, there is nothing more important than reading God's Word and talking with Him in prayer. Through the Bible, you learn more about God, understand more of who He is, and can grow in your relationship with Him. Just like you cannot grow in your relationship with anyone by not listening to them, you cannot grow in your relationship with God unless you read about Him in the Bible. 

The Bible is the complete Word of God. There is nothing in it that is wrong, false, or incorrect (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Everything written in it is to help, direct, and instruct us. You never have to worry about the Bible telling you something that is not true. In fact, Jesus is the Truth; therefore, know that you can trust everything Scripture says. Reading the Bible is going to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus by helping you learn more about Him.

Sadly, there are many different versions of Jesus out in the world, but the only real Jesus is the One spoken of in the Bible, and He is the One we must follow. Jesus loves and cares about you, and He wants you to come to know Him. If you are trying to further develop your relationship with Christ this year, you probably already have accepted Him as your personal Savior; however, if you haven't, this year could be a great time for you to come to know Him. Many of us grow up with the idea that we are Christians by default or that we are Christians just because our parents are Christians. 

This is false because every individual has to choose to place faith in Jesus because they have chosen to accept Him as their personal Savior and Lord. You are not a Christian because your mom is a Christian nor are you a Christian just because you celebrate Christmas. Rather, you are a Christian because you have chosen to place faith in Jesus. Through reading the Bible and prayer, you will be able to grow closer to God, and if you are not a believer yet, Bible reading and prayer can lead you to come to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Joining a Church 

Joining a church is another great way to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus this New Year. While it is easy to hit the snooze button on your alarm on Sunday mornings, it is best to try to go to church as much as possible. If you have work on Sundays or have something else that prevents you from going to church, maybe try attending an online church or listening to a podcast with a sermon recorded in it. In the technological age we live in today, there are numerous ways for you to still be involved with a church and listen to sermons about God without being physically present at church. 

Through sermons and interactions with other believers, it can help you not feel as alone. Unfortunately, many of us feel alone a lot throughout our lives. However, our church family should be there to help us and lift our souls when we are feeling down. If we don't have a regular church we go to, we will not be able to have that deep connection with other believers. It is also important to remember that church is where other Christians are. It can be hard to find Christians out in the world; however, if you go to church, you might be able to find a few Christians who will become close friends and they will be able to help encourage you in your walk with the Lord. 

Joining a church will also give you the opportunity to serve and help your fellow believers. Many of us think the only way to serve in the church is to join the choir, but you can actually serve in many other ways. You can join the mission board, help in the youth ministry, or lead a Bible study. Most churches have many opportunities to serve, so don't worry too much about not having anything that interests you. Even if nothing sounds good to you, try something new. The Lord will equip you with the spiritual gifts that you need to serve Him and His family. 

Asking for Help

Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help on your faith journey. Growing in your faith with Jesus will take some time. It is not a process that happens overnight. Rather, it will take time, energy, and effort. You need to keep this in mind as you are working on your relationship with Jesus. Your relationship with Jesus will continue for all eternity. It is not something to be rushed or manipulated. Jesus is always with you and He is always ready to hear from you. 

Despite knowing this, we can still feel discouraged in our walk with Christ. We feel we should be further along in our relationship with Christ, yet we feel we have made little to no progress at all. Give yourself grace and don't demand perfection from yourself. None of us are perfect and it is unrealistic to expect this standard from yourself. Only God is perfect. Remember this truth when you are feeling disheartened or as though you are not as spiritually mature as you thought you should be. 

Dedicating your New Year to growing in your relationship with Jesus is a noble cause, but remember that it is not an end goal. You will constantly be growing in your relationship with Christ every year. There will be endless opportunities for you to grow in your faith in Jesus as well and the Holy Spirit will help you make the right decisions. Keep leaning on God and ask Him for His help. Don't be afraid to turn to God and ask Him to give you strength to keep going. Following after Jesus is no easy task. 

Nowhere in the Bible are we told that following Jesus is a walk in the park. Following the Lord is difficult and it can be very hard at times. This is because we are going against the flesh and choosing to glorify God rather than ourselves. Turn to God and ask Him to help you grow in your relationship with Him this year. This is a request that pleases God and He will answer it in His timing. Don't be afraid to also ask other believers for help. Other believers, such as those at your church, will be able to hold you accountable and point you back to God when times are hard. 

This New Year will be filled with many challenges, but you are not alone. God is always walking with you and He will keep His hand of protection over you. Whatever you are facing this New Year, God will be with you. It is a wonderful thing to want to grow in your relationship with Christ, and it is something that God wants for your life. There is nothing more important than growing in your relationship with Him, and this New Year is the perfect time to start. 

Photo Credit: ©Taylor Wright/Unsplash

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.