Do you ever feel like you’re too busy to pray?
The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, but how often do we wake up late and rush through our morning routine before we have the chance to start our day with God? In my house, that happens more often than I care to admit.
And while daily devotions are important to spiritual growth, sitting down for an hour of prayer and Bible study isn’t the only way to grow closer to God.
Instead, we can incorporate methods of connecting with God into our normal, everyday routines, so that every ordinary tasks become springboards into conversations with God.
Here’s how I use my simple makeup routine to draw into God’s presence:
Step 1: Wash Your Face and Cleanse Your Heart
Any good makeup routine starts with washing our faces. I’m no makeup expert, but I know that bad things happen if you layer on makeup without cleansing your skin first. Similarly, before we launch into the day’s activities, we need to clear our hearts too.
So while you wash your face, redirect your thoughts to God and ask Him to cleanse your heart. Confess any sins that immediately come to mind, and pray, with David, “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. […] Create in me a clean heart, o God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:7, 10). Then rejoice in the assurance that when we confess our sins, God is “faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Step 2: Cover Your Face and Uncover His Glory
As you layer on moisturizer, foundation, powder, and whatever else you have in your arsenal, pray that people will see Jesus when they look at your face. In the Bible, we read that Moses spoke to God face-to-face, as one speaks to a friend (Exodus 33:11). Ask God to reveal Himself to you in a new way, helping you grow in spiritual intimacy. And as you do, people will notice as well.
When Moses came down from meeting God on the mountain, his face radiated the glory of God so brightly that the Israelites asked him to cover up his face. Referencing this story, Paul writes that Christians reflect the glory of God in a similar way, but with unveiled faces (2 Corinthians 3:18). So as you’re covering your face with makeup, pray that your spiritually uncovered face would shine the glory of God to all who see you.
Step 3: Pretty Up Your Eyes and Guard Them, Too
Next, as you put on your eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara, pray for your eyes. Ask God to help you fix your eyes on Jesus throughout the day (Hebrews 12:2), so that whatever you face, you may have the courage and strength to persevere in Him. Ask God to help you see all of life (the unexpected blessings and the major letdowns) in light of eternity, looking past what’s immediately apparent and recognizing His hand at work.
Also pray that you would see others as God sees them, especially the people who annoy you; recognize that those drivers or clerks or housemates are created in the image of God and are precious in His sight (Isaiah 43:4). As you finish your final touches, pray protection over your eyes, that you would not look at any impure or worthless things that would tempt you to sin.
Step 4: Moisturize Your Lips and Encourage Others
As you moisturize and color your lips, ask God to guard your mouth and every word you speak today. Consider writing down this verse and posting it on your mirror to reflect on as you dab your lipstick on: “Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29).
Pray that your words would encourage and bless those you speak to. Ask God to protect you from participating in gossip, slander, or crude jokes. Pray that you would not lash out in anger or say things you’ll regret, but that your words would be gracious, “like honey, sweet to the soul and healing to those who hear them” (Proverbs 16:24).
Step 5: Reapply as Necessary
I don’t know about you, but I find that my makeup needs minor retouches as I go about my day. So, too, my soul needs periodic check-ins with God, so I try to transform any task into a prayer prompt.
Keep the conversation going. As you put your makeup tools away, pray that your hands would be devoted to God, ready to do His work. As you walk away from the mirror, pray that your feet would be firmly planted on His path of righteousness. As you put on your clothes, put on the armor of God described in Galatians 5. As you bite into an apple, pray the fruit of the Spirit in your life. As you drive around town, pray for the drivers, houses, and institutions you pass by. And when you check the mirror to see if your lipstick needs a touchup, pray a quick refresher of your makeup routine.
Walking with God doesn’t mean having our nose in the Bible or being on our knees all day. It means being mindful of the presence of God in day-to-day life, sharing each step of the day’s journey with Him, and being in constant communication with Him.
So whether you’re leisurely applying makeup or rushing to make it to your meeting on time, use those moments to turn your heart toward God. You’ll not only feel confident about your face, but you’ll experience a deeper walk with God in the day ahead as well.
Related Video: What does the Bible say about overcoming lust?
iBelieve.com: What does the Bible say about overcoming lust? - Ellen Dykas from ibelievedotcom on GodTube.