Six Words To Get You Through

Janelle Keith

It was 20 years ago when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. I've watched him struggle to a decent level of health with many medical complications as a result of his diagnosis. There have been some good days for sure, but as a wife and help-mate, there have been more days that I wish we could do over. Instead of harboring regret and resentment, I've learned that every marriage has "those" days when it's cloudy and the skies are not singing a sunny attitude.

Change in attitude came by faith in his simple prayer one day, "God, help us to be optimistic about all things." I realized what I had leaned on to get me through the hard years was more than the disappointments that life had to offer.

Six words that have gotten me through struggles like cancer and hard days since are:

"You'll get through this, have faith."

Life is full of many scenarios and simply said we didn't "sign up" for trouble. Like it or not everyone has good and bad "stuff" to contend with. Problems aren't specifically set up for the result in disappointment but rather problems present opportunities to see God get you faith.

There's a choice in how you respond to life and when holding to a positive attitude, it can get you through the toughest of days. Let's break this encouragement down word by word. In those six words, I found these treasures:

1. "You'll - You will: Remember, yes you, reading this right now...aren't singled out. The world is not against you. No one is out to get you. You can't control every circumstance that comes your way, but remember you CAN choose how you respond to it.

2. "Get" - You get: Don't buy into the lie that a bad situation has come because God is upset with you or you've done something wrong. God is for the good and right in this world. Whatever the situation is God can reach down and help you. He is always on your side, in a good mood and you get to ask Him to intervene!

3. "Through" - Get you through: there is an end to suffering believe it or not. "This" too shall pass. Healing comes for the hurts and wounds. Tomorrow is a new day, there's newness every morning. Even when it seems endless, storms don't last forever. Pray continually and don't stop once the clouds clear!

4. "This" - You and "this": There are many events that come into our life that the Enemy uses to marginalize, isolate, and segregate us from hope and God's love. Satan knows when we have loneliness, rejection, and oppression, we become weak and closed off. Our numbers tank spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. When we want to run from our conflicts or storms that's when we should be reaching out for comfort and support through together strength with friends, spouse, church, and family. There's strength in numbers. No man is an island and as humans, we weren't built to go through life alone. Even in paradise - the Garden of Eden - God said "It is not good for man to be alone."

5. "Have faith" - You MUST have faith: Jesus said you will have trouble in the world but John 16:33 ecnourages our faith by taking part of His heart, to overcome whatever has come to plague yours. When having faith it strengthens you to the end! Help is surrounding you, to navigate you through. There is a difference in talking about what faith is and believing God is your help and strength by faith. God is who He says He is!

Through it all, we count it all joy friends. But how can you be joyful? The truth is numbers don't lie, but they often don't tell the truth. Consider the joy that Jesus had as His reward on the way to the cross. What I know about crucifixions, the process is the most cruel way to die, but yet Jesus went joyfully. The process of life is often full of handling cruelties and torments of this world. But remember, you too will get through, because there's joy to be gained by going through it with Jesus.

Hope that helps you this week as you are going through some tough situations. I would like to pray for you so please let me know what your situation is and I will!

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Julia_Sudnitskaya

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