How to Follow the Prince of Peace in a World at War

Jennifer Slattery

Our world often feels like it’s in constant chaos. We hear about possible wars and economic collapse. It seems politicians are becoming increasingly corrupt and our communities are divided. Churches are splitting and the tells us of once-revered pastors who have turned immoral or abandoned the faith. All of this turmoil and uncertainty can leave many of us feeling spiritually and emotionally confused.

How can we serve the Prince of Peace in a world constantly at war? We remind ourselves of a few essential truths and practice a few faith-bolstering disciplines.

We remember:

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1. We're Not Alone

Prior to His death and resurrection, Christ made His followers—which includes us—a promise. He promised He would not abandon us as powerless orphans. Rather, He said He’d “ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.” This is the Holy Spirit who “lives with [us] and will be in [us]” (John 14:16-17, NIV). The moment we receive Christ’s free gift of salvation, God makes His home with us, transforming, strengthening and equipping us to do all that He desires. Though our circumstances may make us feel weak, helpless, or insufficient, this simply isn’t true. To the contrary. Scripture tells us we’re called and chosen ambassadors with resurrection power residing within (Ephesians 1:18-20).

The Holy Spirit acts as our guide, telling us when to speak and when to stay silent, what battles we’re to fight and which ones we’re to release into God’s hands. He gives us strength to show love in the face of anger and hatred and quiet calm when our world feels out of control. Each day, in countless ways, He gently yet persistently whispers words of truth to our hearts, reminding us that He sees us, stands with us, lives in us, and lives through us. Firmly in His grip, we have nothing to fear.

This Truth Lived Out:

When fear and internal chaos arise, may those emotions propel us to Christ, and cause us to remind ourselves of truth. We can find verses describing God’s power, love, and sovereignty, write them on 3 X 5 cards, and take time to pray over each one. We can ask Him to anchor those truths deep into our heart. As we do, may we thank God for being stronger than any challenge we, our loved ones, the country, and the world face.

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2. Out Struggles Aren't New

Watching all the ugliness and turmoil playing out on the nightly news, we may feel as if evil has steadily advanced to a level other generations never experienced. But Scripture demonstrates otherwise. In fact, Christs was born into a dark and frightening period characterized by power-hungry rulers and political and social unrest. This was a time of mass infanticide that likely evoked terror in the heart of every parent.

The Bible records this horrific evil in Matthew chapter 2:16-18. When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.

Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”

Can you imagine what it must have felt like to watch those in authority rip babies and toddlers from their parents’ arms in order to kill them?

And though this paranoid ruler eventually died, corruption, not just government but religious as well, continued throughout Christ’s life and ministry. Many priests had traded their love for God for a love for self and prioritized accolades and prestige over obedience. Whatever grievances we hold against the IRS, ancient man experienced worse. Tax collectors were dishonest, greedy cheats who often overcharged and profited off of the weak and powerless. Rebels instigated riots and the Roman government lashed out at any hint of insurrection.

The Romans ruthlessly defended their power as did the religious elite. People were crucified, thrown into dungeons without a trial or any promise they’d receive one. Some, like John the Baptist, were beheaded, and still others, like our Savior, were crucified. Can you imagine the anxiety people felt, not just for themselves, but for their loved ones also?

In that moment, it probably felt as if evil was winning, but it wasn’t, nor can it, for Scripture promises God reigns supreme and His light will prevail.

This Truth Lived Out:

Take a moment to contemplate history and all the ways the gospel advanced through the darkest times. When a Hebrew teen named Joseph was enslaved and falsely imprisoned in a foreign land, God used his circumstances to save many lives. When ancient Israel’s sin led them into exile and three men were thrown into a burning furnace, God revealed Himself and His power to a pagan king. When Philippian authorities imprisoned two missionaries named Paul and Silas, God caused an earthquake to shake the dungeon and save the jailer and his family. What’s more, it was during that frightening expedition that the first Christian church in Europe was born.

Scripture tells us that God doesn’t change and He’s faithful to keep every promise He’s made. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (NIV). Prior to His death, He had already claimed victory. In Him, we have victory as well, regardless of how we feel or things appear. And no matter what we face today, may we find peace in knowing heaven is coming.

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3. We Belong to a Higher Kingdom

Years ago, our family went on a mission trip to Central America. While there we saw widespread generational poverty and heard about corruption in the government and law enforcement. In certain areas, if one wanted to travel from one location to another, they needed to keep cash on hand to bribe police officers. That was simply a fact of life to them. While deeply saddened by the suffering I saw, I also understand that my home was elsewhere. I felt an urge to help, to bring peace, love, and light wherever I could, but I also knew I’d be leaving by week’s end. This realization gave me an emotional distance that residents didn’t and couldn’t have.

In the same way, the Bible tells us we belong to another, higher kingdom, one where truth and grace reign. Though we grieve over the pain we see and experience, we know we’re merely passing through. We’re here, for now, as ambassadors to our King, to serve Him in whatever way we can. We trust He knows how to best direct and protect us, and we never lose sight of our true home in heaven.

This Truth Lived Out:

Satan, the enemy of our souls, wants us so focused on the thousands of battles rising up all around us each day that we completely lose sight of the most holy war—winning souls. But Scripture tells us we’re citizens of heaven and ambassadors to the risen King. God has such bigger plans for us. May we never lose sight of this truth and the eternal impact God created us for.

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4. God Is Sovereign

No matter how powerful armies, political parties, terrorist groups, or leaders appear, God is bigger. He who formed every star in our galaxy and infused each one with light, He who holds all creation in His unwavering hand, retains control of our lives as well. Throughout Scripture, we see nations rise, dominate, then collapse, but God remains and His plan moves forward. His plan will prevail. One day, all evil will be conquered and banished for good.

This Truth Lived Out:

In whatever we encounter, may we always remember, we’re coming from a place of victory. Though evil feels heavy, oppressive, and pervasive, we can stand firm in this truth: Christ in us is stronger than anything that threatens to come against us. We aren’t defeated, helpless, or powerless. To the contrary, we and all God’s people belong to and are empowered by the King of kings, Lord of lord, and God Almighty, the One who owns all, sustains all, and rules all.

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5. Peace Comes from Christ

Shortly before His death, Jesus told His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Similarly, Galatians 5:22 tells us peace is the fruit, or byproduct, of the Holy Spirit residing within. In other words, our peace comes not from perfect circumstances or the absence of conflict but rather from the indwelling presence of Christ. As we live in relationship with Him, dependent on Him and surrendered to Him, His peace expands within us, expelling our fear and emotional angst.

This Truth Lives Out:

Often, when our circumstances feel uncertain or out of control, many of us strive for control. We contemplate ways we can somehow fix the situation or avert danger, and while there’s nothing wrong with being proactive, we’ll never find true peace this way. We must connect, deeply and regularly, with the Prince of Peace to gain the peace that surpasses all human understanding.

Our news channels and social feeds present a world oscillating out of control. Our greatest efforts, most fervent prayers, and loving acts may seem of no effect. Discouraged by all the noise and chaos, we may be tempted to disengage or lash out in fear. But Scripture commands a much more effective response: listen, yield, and obey. God invites us to remember His power and reign, the victory He’s already won, and to live in this reality: We can find peace in any circumstances because we belong to the Prince of peace who, at this moment, is reconciling the world to Himself.

Jennifer Slattery , host of the Faith Over Fear podcast, is a writer and speaker who’s addressed women’s groups, Bible studies, and writers across the nation. She’s the author of the Cultivating a Thankful Heart Bible Reading PlanBuilding a Family and numerous other titles and maintains a devotional blog at As the founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, she’s passionate about helping women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. Visit her online to learn more about her speaking or to book her for your next women’s event   and sign up for her free quarterly newsletter HERE  and make sure to connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/gordonima

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