A Week of Intercessory Prayer for Your Loved Ones

Tamela Turbeville

Every day our loved ones face countless battles and challenges and we have the gift and opportunity to intercede on their behalf through prayer. A son or daughter may fight against addiction or a prodigal life. Your parents may grapple with crippling illnesses. Or, maybe your church family members may struggle with a host of problems. But, the battle that rages around our loved ones is not from this world, and the victory will not come using traditional weapons. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:3, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.” No, along with our faith, the most potent weapon we wield is prayer, specifically intercessory prayer.

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Why Should We Intercede for Others?

Paul knew much about intercessory prayer:

  • He prayed for the salvation of the Israelites (Romans 10:1).
  • He prayed that the first Christians would grow to love each other with the love of God (Philippians 1:9-11).
  • He prayed the early Jesus followers would receive God’s grace (Galatians 6:18).
  • Paul readies us for battle against unknown forces by laying out the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18. The armor of God protects us for the struggle against the enemy, and prayer strengthens our ability to fight.

But the ideal model of praying for loved ones and offering intercessory prayers comes from Jesus. In Scripture, He is often found praying for his disciples and followers, and most of all, the lost. Jesus intercedes even now on our behalf and asks us as well to stand in the gap for loved ones (Ezekiel 22:30). If you have loved ones you need to pray for, here is a week of prayers aimed to cover them in the protection and love of God.

Day 1: Salvation

Father God, you desire for everyone to be saved, to have a relationship with you through faith in Jesus (1 Timothy 2:4). In faith and trust in You, we ask that our loved ones who do not know Your Son as Savior yet to realize His presence. Although they may not have heard the good news of Christ, Lord, they see evidence of your love all around them (Romans 1:20). But sadly, the enemy has blinded them to your presence. Shine the light of your love through even the tiniest crack in their hearts that they would hear your voice calling. Then, Father, they will know the joy of being a child of God. Praise you for your mercy and grace.


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Day 2: Provision

You give your children good gifts, Father. Everything we need you provide. All we have to do is ask. Today, pour out your blessings and gifts on our loved ones in need. Meet their spiritual needs. Meet their physical needs. Meet their financial needs. Meet their greatest desires. You promise that if we seek you first, that you will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). Father, provide for the needs of their hearts. You clothe the lilies of the field, and the birds do not worry about what they should eat. You provide for all our needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). We are grateful for your gifts.


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Day 3: Grace

Your gift of grace is difficult for us to grasp. We do not understand how to receive such a great gift that we have not earned. When you offer grace, it comes from the nature of who you are, our kind, faithful God giving because He loves us. It is by your grace that we are saved, a gift we do not deserve, but in your kindness, give without hesitation (Ephesians 2:8-9). Today, Faithful Father, give grace to the loved ones who need to know your kindness. If they need strength to endure hardship, your grace will sustain them. If they need protection to pass through difficulties, your grace will shelter them from harm. Whatever they need today to persevere, Father, give them the grace to run the race. Whatever their need, your grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 2:19). Praise you for your kindness.


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Day 4: Wisdom

Dear God, wisdom is not just using sound judgment and making right decisions. True wisdom comes from You. To receive the gift of wisdom, your Word says all we have to do is ask (James 1:5). Yet, we pass through life, believing we have everything figured out. Father, give us the wisdom to help our loved ones when necessary. Our loved ones need wisdom, as well. Grant them wisdom to make decisions. Let your wisdom guide them through trials and difficulties. May your wisdom prevail in the choices they make. Give them wisdom that is pure, pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere (James 3:17). May your will be done.


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Day 5: Health

Father, you are the Great Physician. You can heal physical ailments and wounds, as well as the damage to our hearts and souls. Today, we ask You to heal the brokenness both in body and spirit of our loved ones. Should our loved ones need physical healing, guide physicians and caregivers. Provide them with the knowledge to heal our bodies. If our loved ones have wounds that only your love can heal, give us the grace to help those precious to us to know your healing love. Praise you for sending Jesus to bind up the brokenhearted and the hurting, for we are all broken (Isaiah 61:1). You are near all who are brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). Send healing to us all, and we give you all the glory.


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Day 6: Protection

The world is a crazy scary place. We are bombarded every waking moment with strife and turmoil. Father, we ask for the protection of our loved ones, not only from possible harm from the world but from the evil of darkness. We do not see the battle going on in the heavenly realms, but we trust and know that You fight for us, and you fight for those important to us (Exodus 14:14). You are our warrior and defender. Protect their hearts and minds from the schemes of the enemy. Protect their bodies from physical harm. Let us take refuge in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 57:1).


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Day 7: Gratitude

Father God, we are grateful for the people you put in our lives. Family, friends, and even the people we meet and know only briefly are an opportunity to share the fruit of Your Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control—against such things is there is no law (Ephesians 5:22-23). Our prayer is that each time we encounter our loved ones, they know how grateful we are for their presence in our lives. We are thankful for what they add to our lives, what we learn about trust and faithfulness, and what we receive from their friendship and love. Thank you for the people that pass through our lives.


Scripture assures us God hears and answers our prayers. “For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened” (Luke 11:10). We may not see answers today or tomorrow, but the instant He hears our prayers, God is answering. In the meantime, persist in prayer, never give up praying for loved ones, and when answers come, we will praise God for his amazing faithfulness and love.

Tamela Turbeville lives for every woman with a difficult past to know God loves them, and that they are worthy and wanted. She is wife to Richard, and mother to three grown sons and two beautiful daughters-in-law. When doing what she loves most-- studying God’s Word, reading and writing--she is surrounded by her six rescue dogs who are usually sleeping. She began Living One Word to write and share how God redeems lives and you can read more about Tamela and her healing journey at www.livingoneword.com, on Facebook, and Instagram.

This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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