Intentionally Focusing on Our Inner Beauty - Wholly Loved - June 14

Intentionally Focusing on Our Inner Beauty

By Sarah Conaway

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4

I’m careful to train my daughter not to fixate on outer beauty, but do I protect my heart with the same diligence?

“You are so beautiful!” I told my daughter as I fix her hair. She responded by telling me that being beautiful on the inside is all that matters. Then she said, “Silly Mom, you taught me that!”

I was speechless. I taught her this, but have I taught myself? Do I see myself as beautiful? When my hair’s a wreck, my jeans won’t button, and wrinkles are popping up everywhere, how do I learn to see myself through God's eyes?

1 Peter 3:3-4 tells us our true beauty comes from within—from a gentle, quiet, and godly spirit.

Today’s society over-emphasizes outer beauty.

Unfortunately this has become the norm. So much so that my daughter’s words about inner beauty seem somewhat foreign. She believes that inner beauty is the most important. I’m thankful for the timely reminder she gave me the day I fixed her hair. I love that God speaks to me through my five-year-old daughter.

Next time you look in the mirror and are tempted to evaluate yourself against what the world’s beauty standards, remember God sees you differently—He’s focused on what’s inside, and He’s working to grow that so that you more closely resemble Christ.

Sarah Conaway is a two-time stroke survivor who has faced lifelong chronic illness. In spite of her circumstances, she is armed with faith and is excited that Christ is using her to spread His unconditional love. Sarah tri-formed a group of faith-filled stroke survivors called the Stromies who minister to those world-side that are struggling with accepting their new normal. She enjoys volunteering with hospice patients and the children’s ministry at her church. She’s a speaker, blogger, and street team leader with Wholly Loved Ministries and is excited to see what Christ has planned for her future. Visit Sarah online at

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Originally published Friday, 14 June 2024.