Whose You Are - Encouragement Café - October 4

Whose You Are
 By Dawn Mast 

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?  Luke 11:13 NKJV

For the past year I’ve been working in my parents’ Christian bookstore. Many of the customers have been regulars since they opened their doors and they call Mom and Dad by their first name and regard them as friends. 

When my parents were away for a few days, I ran the store with my sister and we had a ball! I mean, we were professional, but we also had a really great time. One lady heard me talking and laughing and she poked her head around a card display and said, “I can tell who you belong to.” She went on to say she could tell I was my parents’ child just from my voice, mannerisms and personality. 

Later, I thought about it and wondered if people can tell I belong to God. Does the world look at me and see Jesus? Does my voice, personality and the way I carry myself reflect Him? What about on the days when it’s cold and rainy (my least favorite weather situation), the kids are bickering, I have errands to run and my hair looks really bad. It’s superficial, but I’m almost better at being faithful in the hard times, than the mundane day-to-day boring stuff. But do I look like Jesus then? Do my words sound soft, holy and nice or just tired and grumpy? 

In Mark 9:33-37 the disciples are arguing about who among them would be the greatest. These were grown men, or at least young adults, and they were arguing about which one of them Jesus liked best (basically). 

The way Our Lord handled this was how I’d like to settle arguments in my life. He took a child into His arms and explained that faith must be received like that of a child. In other words, to be great in God’s Kingdom one would need to become a servant. This is so opposite to the way we usually think and behave and it’s definitely not what the world is expecting to see. 

When the world sizes us up, does it see a child of The King, or just a regular person? We should be different enough that people take notice and see us as servants. 

In our busyness, it can be hard to take the time to stop and see what God wants us to do. Today, ask Him what He would like to show you. Invite The Lord to give you an opportunity to serve by witnessing to someone, taking a meal, praying for the sick, helping a friend or whatever it is He brings your way. He will help you reflect Him in a beautiful way! 

Father God, I want to represent You well. Please help me show the world You love them by sending Your Son to die for our sins. Guide me so my words and actions would reflect You and I would be empty of self and full of Your Spirit so I might serve You with a full heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! 

For more encouragement, visit Dawn at thatdawnedonme.wordpress.com

©2019 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Friday, 04 October 2024.