The Ultimate Sacrifice - Encouragement Café - June 12

The Ultimate Sacrifice
 By Christie Davis

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love.  1 John 4:7-8 NASB

It was March 2012.  A large convoy of military trucks was traveling down a road in Laghman Province in eastern Afghanistan.  They noticed some children picking up shell casings lying on the road.  The children collect the casings and recycle them for money.  

Sgt. Dennis Weichel and other soldiers in the convoy got out of their vehicles to get the children out of the way of the heavy trucks.  The children were moved out of the way, but an Afghan girl darted back into the road to pick up more casings that lay underneath one of the huge armored trucks weighing as much as 16 tons.  Weichel spotted the girl at the truck and ran to her quickly to get her out of the way.  He was able to save the young girl, however, he did not survive the injuries he incurred from the heavy military vehicle.  

Lt. Col. Denis Riel was stated saying,

“I have heard nothing but incredible stuff about this kid, selfless beyond our core values that we live up to.  As I hear more from family and others, he was the living embodiment of the Army’s core values: courageous, selfless and loyal.”

Staff Sgt. Ronald Corbett added,

“He would have done that for anybody.”

What an amazing story of love and character.  

If someone were to summarize my character, what would they say?  Would they describe me as being selfless?  As someone who would do anything for anybody?  Would they say that they could see God’s love being demonstrated to others?

That is the ultimate question.  Would they say that they saw Jesus in me?  

I too have a savior, Jesus Christ, who did give His life for me!  Knowing who I am and what mistakes I would make, He still died for me.  

Am I demonstrating this love towards others so that they may too accept His ultimate sacrifice?  Would they know who He is through me? 

That would be the best legacy that I could leave behind.  

I don’t believe that young Afghanistan girl will ever forget the brave soldier that gave his life for her.  Sgt. Dennis Weichel just may have been the act of love the girl needed to one day meet the true Savior. What an awesome story that would be!

If God thought that we were worth the time to send His son to die for us, maybe we should show others that they are worth the time too.   We may not be asked to give our lives for someone else, but there are many ways to demonstrate God’s love. 

Find someone today to demonstrate that love.  Make a phone call.  Send a card.  Donate some money or time.  Allow Jesus to work through you.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me enough to become the ultimate sacrifice for me and my sins.  Allow me to see opportunities to show others how much You love them.  Help me to see those hurting and in need, that I may extend Your arms out to them.   Allow my life to extend outward to others so that they may see You and Your amazing love.  

© 2019 by Christie Davis.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Wednesday, 12 June 2024.