He Is the One He Says He Is - Encouragement Café - October 8

He Is the One He Says He Is
 By Dawn Mast

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?  Numbers 23:19 NIV

It really is the perfect job for a teen-age boy. The hours are flexible. He gets all the free food he can eat and if he gets called to work at a football game, he gets free admission. One time he was at a college football event and all the cheerleaders hugged him and had their pictures taken with him. 

The only problem was, the cheerleaders didn't know whom they were hugging and being photographed with. It was our son, but they didn't know that. Why?

Because he's dressed as the Chick-fil-a cow. 

Yup. Teen-aged boy in a cow costume and suddenly, at least from outside appearances, everything looks different.

If he were wearing jeans and a t-shirt he would need to pay for his football game admission like everyone else and no college cheerleader would run over and hug him and pose for the camera. 

But put him in a cow costume and suddenly he's someone else. He's not who he says he is. 

Do we wear "costumes" and behave in ways we wouldn't otherwise except under the safety of a mask? That's such a human characteristic, but the Lord is God. He is not human and does not put on masks, costumes or false ways with us. Ever. He is who He says He is. The greatest human cannot even pull that off. 

Being the I AM (Exodus 3:14 NIV) means there is no other. He is it. We don't need to look further than the Lord and His Word for guidance and hope. If He says He will do it, make it or promises it, then He will. He can be trusted. This is so hopeful in a world where people let us down and we can be so easily disappointed. 

People in costumes are entertaining, but it's to cover up human characteristics in order to fulfill a specific purpose. The Lord doesn't cover up. His nature is to reveal. Allow Him to reveal His deep and powerful love, grace and mercy for you today.  

What happens to us when we expect people to act like God? When we relied on someone to fulfill a promise and they let us down? Or when we leaned heavily on a human and they did not live up to our expectations? The answer is the same for all 3 questions; disappointment. But, the Lord will not disappoint us! He is not a person! He is our Provider and one of His names is actually Elohim meaning "All powerful One". There is no human who carries that title.  

When people disappoint, and they will, it's helpful to remember 3 things:

Give space. Stepping away from the situation can be helpful as you regroup and refocus.

Give grace. This will be helpful as you forgive the offense and remember people are not God.

Give face. Get on your face before the Lord and pray for forgiveness when there are hurt feelings. It's very helpful to ask the Lord to forgive when we have put people in His place and expected them to act like God. No wonder we get disappointed!

Oh Dear Father God! How often I place people where You should be. Then I get hurt because they don't act as you would. Please forgive me for that Lord, and also pierce my heart so that it will turn to you in obedience. Show me healthy ways of dealing with people and the disappointment that sometimes happens in life. Please forgive me and help others to forgive me when I disappoint them. May I be a witness and an example so others want to know you. Praise you Jesus! In your precious and holy name! Amen. 

For more encouragement, visit Dawn thatdawnedonme.wordpress.com.

© 2019 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Tuesday, 08 October 2024.