Celebrate Jesus - Encouragement Café - December 11, 2017

Celebrate Jesus
By Carolyn Dale Newell

Monday, December 11, 2017

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.  Luke 2:7 NKJV

Jesus Christ was born in a stable. His first bed was a manger. There was no room for Mary and Joseph at the inn. Not much has changed today. Many people will never give Christ a thought this Christmas. They forget the reason we celebrate Christmas.

The world views it as a time of outrageous spending and drunkenness. Christmas was set aside as the time that Christians celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

As believers, we need to make sure that we don’t get caught up in all the festivities to the point that we don’t make room for Jesus. It can be so fun to beautifully decorate our homes and wrap gifts in pretty paper.

It is a time for family and friends to come together indulging in all the Christmas goodies from homemade fudge to ham. It is a busy time with shopping and sending Christmas cards.

As our schedules become so busy, we must guard our quiet time with God. It can slip away so easily.

Christmas can also become stressful. The lights don’t work or all the stores sell out of that perfect gift. That is when we need to take a break, and remember our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Let’s make sure that we keep the One and Only Reason for Christmas at the center of all our activities. That is what Christmas is all about – Jesus Christ, not the tree, not the gifts, not the lights – Jesus. Will you make room for Jesus this season?

Planning and preparation can help us manage our time and stress:

▪       Plan your days and hours, but remember things can change quickly.

▪       Make a list before shopping.

▪       Avoid the heavy shopping times.

▪       Schedule a quiet time with God.

▪       Don’t be afraid to decline offers that you don’t have time for.

▪       Do something special for a family that is in need.

▪       Shop early.

▪       Don’t put things off to the last minute.

▪       There is no harm with not following through with a tradition due to lack of time. There have been years where we skipped Christmas cards, and we went out for Christmas dinner, rather than cooking.

Dear Lord, help us not get so caught up in all the activities that we lose sight of You this Christmas. Grant us wisdom to plan and prepare that things may not become stressful and busy. Help us witness to others as we go out into a dark world, a world that makes no room for You. Prepare the hearts of those we witness to and put those special ones in our paths. Help us guard our time with You. We love You Lord Jesus. Thank You for coming into this world to die for us. Amen.

© 2017 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Monday, 11 December 2017.