Goin' for a Ride - Encouragement Café - April 17, 2017

Goin' For A Ride
By Ramona Davis
Monday, April 17, 2017

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 TLB

“Want to come with me?” my Daddy would ask. I adored my father. Where else in the entire world would I rather be?

My dad earned a living as a carpenter. Many Saturdays he would do odd jobs for family and friends which was the perfect opportunity to climb in his truck and accompany him. I didn’t care where we were going, I only cared that I was going with him.

These trips with my dad were not filled with constant conversation. My parents were deaf, so my brother and I learned sign language before we could talk.

Daddy and I talked when we needed to but a peaceful silence often filled the cab of that truck as we went on our merry way. He often had a purpose and plan for the trips we took together, but often he invited me to get in the truck and ride just for the pure fun of it.

Our mailbox was situated at the bottom of the short, steep hill where we lived. I remember playing in the neighborhood and hearing my dad’s truck at the end of his workday pulling up to our mailbox. It was an unspoken fun game we played. I would listen for the sound of his truck as he revved the motor to signal he was home.

I would stop in the middle of whatever my friends and I were doing to run to the bottom of the hill, ecstatic to see him. Smiling, he would wait for me to climb in the back of the truck. Once seated, he would give me a ride to our house at the top of the hill.

I was secure in his love and protective care of me. I didn’t have to think about driving the truck. He had perfect control over where we went and how we got there. My purpose as his little girl was to love him, trust him and obey him.

Isn’t this like our relationship with our Heavenly Father? He desires that we love, trust and obey Him. Every day, He asks us,

Want to come with Me?

We have a choice, we can refuse and miss untold blessings or we can “get in the truck”.  We don’t need to spend our lives seeking our calling. Our calling will be fulfilled when we love and seek Him.

We can then rest peacefully in His everlasting love and fierce, protective care. We can enjoy Him and the view because we know He has His hands on the wheel.

He knows where we need to go and how we need to get there. We can rest in the security of silence because we have the freedom to communicate when necessary.

When we seek Him, love and obey Him, He guides and directs, providing for our every need. We don’t have to even think about “driving the truck” if we trust Him to “sit in the Driver’s seat”.

He will take us by the most beautiful places we will ever see. We will absolutely squeal in delight over some rides that are meant for the sheer fun of it. He will take us to people with gifts we need and He will take us to people who need our gifts.

We will be amazed at His plans and be in awe over the purpose we both will share.

When you “hear” Him ask,

Want to come with Me?

Don’t hesitate, say,


Climb in the truck, roll down the window and sit close to your Constant Companion. It’ll be the ride of your life! Spend a few minutes pondering these questions:

Are you resisting Him?

Is He asking you to share the material/spiritual gifts He has given you?

Are you hesitant to contact someone who can help you?

When was the last time you simply enjoyed your Creator?

Father God, help us to love You with all our hearts, listen and obey You. Forgive us when we resist You and help us to have “Yes” hearts. Help us to relax and truly enjoy You. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

© 2017 by Ramona Davis. All rights reserved.

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Originally published Monday, 17 April 2017.