Drowning People (Part 2) - Encouragement Café - May 3

Drowning People (Part 2)
 By Dawn Neely

The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 NASB

I almost drowned when I was ten years old. My older brothers dared me to jump off the high dive. They said only “little babies” were afraid of the high diving board. So to prove them oh, so wrong, I started up the ladder. I made it to the first right of passage…the low diving board, which I had already mastered. How much higher would a few feet make? I was soon to find the answer.

Before me was a terrifying wood board, covered with fiberglass that stretched to eternity! I held on to the side rails as long as I could and then took one step…two steps…and then three steps to the end of the board. My brothers stood on the deck of the pool, looking up at me with their arms crossed at their chests. Their body language spoke loudly of their lack of faith in me. In fact, I saw them walk away.

So now did it matter if I jumped? Well, when you have a line of boys and girls behind you waiting their turn, you have to jump. So I counted to three and stepped onto the air. As I recount this story I can still see in my mind’s eye how quickly the water met me.

I remember my feet touched the bottom of the deep end of the pool. I was relieved to surface, then turned my body toward the ladder, located about five feet from where I was in the pool. I must have used most of my adrenaline to jump, because suddenly I felt weak. I tried to swim under water, but when I surfaced I had made no gain.

I dog-paddled, resulting only in splashing water in my face. I took a breath, went under again and tried to swim, but my efforts were futile. I could see the ladder but I could not get there. I remember going under.

Just then, I felt two hands under my arms lifting me to the ladder and then to the side of the pool. His name is unknown to me to this day. Due to the lifeguard jumping in the water, a slight crowd gathered. I put a towel over my face and humbly walked back to my pool chair where I spent the rest of the afternoon. I was saved from drowning. I do not remember saying “Thank you” to the lifeguard.

Many years later I was rescued again. But this time it was not from a pool but rather from sin, death, fear, temptation and hell. I am fully aware of the name of my redeemer. His name is Jesus. I thank Him every day for saving me and for giving me life. Dear friend, the same is true for every man, woman and child in our world today. We need to be rescued from our sin.  Jesus offers us an abundant life on earth and the promise of eternal life with Him in glory.

 Oh dear one, you will find Jesus to be the truest friend you have ever had. As I end this devotional with my prayer, I want you to know that Jesus has already prayed for you.

I do not ask on behalf of these alone (His disciples), but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us so that the world may believe that You sent me. John 17:20-21 NASB

Dear Gracious Father,

I join with You dear Jesus, to ask that men, women, boys and girls will accept Your lifesaving gift of salvation. I pray that others might be one with You as You are with the Father. Thank You for saving me. Thank You for the life you have given me out of Your abundant grace and mercy. Thank You for forgiving my sins. My prayer is that others will come to accept You in their lives. By the power of the Holy Spirit I make this request. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

©2019 by Dawn Neely. All rights reserved.

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Originally published Friday, 03 May 2024.