What She Said, Part 8 - Daily Treasure - August 10, 2023

What She Said, Part 8
Connie Miller, Guest Writer


Take to heart all the words by which I am warning you today, that you may command them to your children, that they may be careful to do all the words of the law.  For it is no empty word for you; but your very life. - Deuteronomy 32:46-47

As the doctor’s wand rubbed against my belly anticipating the results of the sonogram, I anxiously awaited the doctor’s words. It was the beginning of my 20th week of pregnancy and I started spotting. The night before my doctor told me on the phone that it was probably due to the hard coughing of my bad cold, but to come in and he would take a look. Lying there on the examination table I knew the trajectory of my life hung in the balance between those few silent seconds of waiting and the doctor’s spoken words.

We live in a world of words. So often the world can give empty words. The words in blog posts can leave one questioning the validity, authority, and wisdom of faceless voices. We live in a world of words from anonymous tweets and twitters and the colloquy of chats and dirges gone, oh so wrong. People’s thoughts, emotions, and words can often be empty, fleeting, and ever-changing, but “thus says the Lord” is the highest authority and sure anchor in all things pertaining to life. Jesus is the Living WORD Who came to bring us life and give it abundantly (John 10:10). His Word is our first and foremost rule and powerhouse by which to live life by faith. His inspired Word is a means of grace to the believer to teach and equip; to reproof and correct; to train us in the ways of the Lord. (2 Timothy 3:16).  

God made all things by His spoken Word. All of creation obeyed His voice; “God said… and it was so” (Genesis 1). Even saving faith comes from God’s Word (Romans 10:17). We know that God spoke certain commands to Adam and the woman that would ensure His presence and fellowship with them. When Satan, disguised as a serpent approached woman, he asked the first question ever asked in Scripture which was a direct assault on God’s Word. The serpent asked, “Did God really say?” 

Man distorted and doubted God’s Word which brought about the guilt and shame from sin, separation from His presence, and death. They did not heed the authority of His Word but instead chose self-rule versus God’s rule. But God pursues and calls out to them and asks the second question ever asked, “Where are you?” 

We see the first two questions ever asked: “Did God really say?” And “Where are you?” 

From these two questions, there are two answers with two trajectories that lead to two opposite outcomes. One leads to darkness; the other leads to light. One leads to spiritual death; the other to spiritual life. From our verse today we can hear the passionate plea from Moses when he says to the Israelites:

This is no empty word for you, but your very life. - Deuteronomy 32:47

So what? I’ll never forget the doctor’s words to me that day. “There is no heartbeat, Mrs. Miller, your baby did not survive.” The trajectory of my life changed in that moment. But by God’s grace, I’m thankful that I knew the truth and authority of His Word:

I will never leave you nor forsake you. - Hebrews 13:5

You are my treasured possession. - Deuteronomy 7:6

I am the giver and taker of life. - 1 Samuel 2:6

God works all things together for those who love Him. - Romans 8:28

Just as God knew me before the foundation of the world, He also knew this little life I carried, but for a short while. His promise of creating me and purposing me for good works also applied to the life of my baby. What was part of his little good work and purpose? God used my baby to help me know and experience the pain of miscarriage, loss, and the blessing of life. This little life God used to make me a different woman. For that, I’m truly grateful.


What now? Beloved, soak in God’s rich, life-giving Words to you today. Where are we, women, when it comes to responding to “Did God really say?” Do we choose self-rule or God’s rule when it comes to life’s hard decisions? How do we operate when life throws an unexpected trial into our lives? How do we behave when people disappoint us or don’t meet our expectations? Do we respond biblically? Friend, let us feast on His Word. Let His Word be the daily treasure of your heart. It is no empty Word for you who know Him as Lord and Savior. His Word is your very life! 


Dear Jesus, thank You that You are the Living Word. Thank You for blessing us with Your written Word so that we can know You personally and know Your ways. Help us to obey You and to treasure Your Word in our hearts that we may not sin against You and know how to please You in all things. In Jesus' name. Amen.  

More free resources for help, hope, & healing:

Treasures of Encouragement, Women Helping Women 

By Sharon W. Betters

Treasuresofencouragement.org Learn how God sends treasures of encouragement to help turn hearts toward Jesus and how the beauty, privilege, and power of biblical encouragement is a means to invite others to trust the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness in the mundane moments and especially in the broken places of life. Free supplemental resources.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Connie Miller and her husband, Mike, have been married for 43 years and have three adult children and three grandchildren. Together they served on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for twelve years at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. Connie currently serves alongside her husband at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, where she served on the board to reorganize the church's women's ministries as well as chair the Titus II Ministry. She continues to disciple women at Christ Covenant Church today. 

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Originally published Thursday, 10 August 2023.