Valuing the Word - Daily Treasure - August 21, 2023

Valuing the Word
By Marlys Roos, Guest Writer


"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" - Psalm 119:103

The LORD values words. 

He spoke Creation into being by His word. He reveals Himself to man by His Word, and throughout Scripture, He keeps His word (promises). He even refers to Himself as the Word (John 1:1, Rev. 19:13). And He tells man that His Word is our life source (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4).

Satan knows the value of words too. He likes to twist them to create chaos, not order. He uses them to deceive and throw doubt upon what God has said (Gen. 3:1). He even tries to use God’s words against God (Matt. 4:6). And he fears God’s Word, for he knows it is the quick and powerful (Heb. 4:12 KJV) sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). 

The 19th-century atheist philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche acknowledged the power of words too when he wrote “I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.” It seems in the last fifty years, and particularly in the last decade, Nietzsche’s wish might be attainable. Why? 

The word grammar comes from the ancient Greek meaning “thing written.” Modern definitions include “rules of language” and simply “the study of words.” The connection between God and grammar in this quote can be seen in those meanings most readily when they are applied to His Word. 

First, be encouraged that “the word of God lasts forever” (Isa. 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25). Nietzsche and Satan do not win in the end, but we are in the midst of a raging battle against the Word of God. It’s not only the one witnessed in daily headlines but also the one fought in our hearts. Even devoted devotional readers and Bible study attendees experience it because the world and its distractions draw us away. Like Martha, we often let ourselves be controlled by obligations and demands on our time, instead of, like her sister Mary, choosing to sit at the Master’s feet (Luke 10:38-42). Like Peter, we are eager to act and do for the Lord rather than be still and focus on Him, and so, we choose what may be good instead of what actually is best (Matt. 14:28-30). 

Then there are just distractions of modern life which are not nearly as noble as Martha’s and Peter’s. Think how distractions have multiplied exponentially since 1900, and especially in the last twenty years: movies, radio, television, computers, and cell phones. Those inventions meant to give us more time most often occupy our time. It’s easy to blame outside forces, but I usually can choose how to spend my time, and I really don’t want to share how often I’ve chosen to go back to sleep or binge on a television series, social media, or a novel instead of making time to study the Word. 

And I don’t mean the kind of study to get the answers right in class or check off the chapters to read through the Bible this year, though God certainly uses those times to reveal Himself. I mean studying the Lord and His words as we would study One much loved and basking in the affection of the One who initiates and calls us to Himself. Time spent sitting with the Lord and in His Word—whether reading page by page, making a topical study and cross-referencing, specifically examining an event or passage, or praying His words back to Him—is sweet, rewarding, and even exciting.


As I write this to encourage you, I challenge myself to be still and sit at the Lord’s feet, for He alone is worthy of our worship. In His last words to the disciples before He went to the cross, Jesus repeatedly used the word abide, reminding His disciples (including us) to live with Him and in Him. He invites us to come in and sit with Him, and He has given us His Word as the key.


Father God, forgive us when we get so caught up in this life that we do not heed Your call to come to You. Thank You for giving us the Bible as the key to knowing You. Help us to set down distractions and to set aside time to be with You through Your Word. Amen.

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Marlys Roos is the publications coordinator for the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries. She, her husband, and her son live in Atlanta and are members of Perimeter Church.

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Originally published Monday, 21 August 2023.