Think - Daily Treasure - August 7, 2023

Connie Miller, Guest Writer


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Think about it. We think all the time. In fact, we never stop thinking. As young parents, my husband and I knew the importance of teaching our children to think about Jesus from the day they were born. We regularly prayed with our tiny tots; engaged in singing hymns and memorized Scripture early on. We wanted to instruct them from the time they could understand the English language truths from God’s Word that would fill and nurture their little brains and hearts. We invested in several Christian cassette tapes (I'm aging myself!) filled with children’s Bible songs to help them think about and comprehend God's Word. One favorite song in particular by the Bill and Gloria Gaither (now I'm really aging myself!) went like this:


That's what this song is all about.


What goes in is what comes out.


Your mind is a computer whose


Daily you must choose".

Think about what Jesus taught:

...but what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart.

Matthew 15:18

As a young mother, one particular day I was preparing dinner for company. The meat was simmering in the skillet while I was setting the table and I noticed that there was no sound from my little buddy, which usually meant toddler trouble.  My curious two-year-old had made a royal mess (I won’t go into details) that I had to quickly clean up. By the time I rescued him; put him in the tub, I not only smelled my dinner burning on the stove I also detected the horrific odor from the royal mess he had made, and our guests due to arrive in ten minutes. Through tears of frustration, all I could think about was, “call mom.” She gave me words I’ll never forget. She said, "Honey, when the house looks dirty, just look up at the ceiling-it’s always clean.” So true, but what cemented in my mind ever since are the two words she used in her pep-talk… “look up”. 

Think heavenward. Think biblically. Paul points us heavenward when he encourages the saints to think about things that are honorable; things that are just; things that are pure; things that are lovely; things that are commendable; any excellence or anything worthy of praise-you fill-in the blank-THINK about THESE things. 

What has molded the way you think on a daily basis? The way one thinks and lives is rooted and grounded by their moral upbringing and shaping influences. Here are examples of just a few simple, forging clouts: 

  • One’s cultural upbringing - whether city, suburb, or rural
  • Instilled morals-were there strict rules or relaxed rules?
  • How about diverse family types? (single parent vs. two-parent family; married vs. divorced, multiple siblings vs only child)
  • There are different parenting styles (rigorous vs. relaxed, independent vs. hovering); 
  • As well as different socio-economic backgrounds (affluent, middle-class, lower-middle-class)
  • And last, the various upbringing traditions (religious vs. non-religious, blue-collar vs professional).

These differing backdrops can serve greatly as determining factors in the way we think. Proverbs 23:7 expresses it well:

…as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

How’s your thought-life list compared to Paul’s?  

  • Paul begins by saying “whatever is true”.   
  • Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." 
  • King David wrote in Psalm 19 saying that God’s Word is “perfect”; His testimony is “sure”, His precepts are “right", His commandments are “pure”, and His rules are absolute. 

There’s also a promise attached to the above verse that when we think about and practice daily the things that are true, there is the pledge that “the God of peace will be with you.”    


So what? Beloved, on a daily basis, are you training your mind to think biblically and lead you to "look up” and think heavenward? If not, what are some habits you can practice that will help you instill the element of looking up and setting your mind and eyes on Jesus? 

What now? Go forth, dear one, this day. Look up. Focus on Truth. Walk in Grace. Relish in His Presence. Hide God’s Word in your heart so that in all of life’s “whatever” circumstances and situations you can live in a heavenward mindset and practice biblically what and how to THINK.  


Heavenly Father, help us in our times of weakness to think about the things that are pleasing to You and to walk in a way that reflects Your honor and glory in all of life’s “whatever's” that we face each day. In Jesus' name.  Amen

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Connie Miller and her husband, Mike, have been married for 43 years and have three adult children and three grandchildren. Together they served on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for twelve years at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina.  Connie currently serves alongside her husband at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, where she served on the board to reorganize the church's women's ministries as well as chair the Titus II Ministry. She continues to disciple women at Christ Covenant Church today. 

In addition to her roles in the church, Connie is a Real Estate Broker in Charlotte, NC, as well as a National Trainer for PCA Women's Ministry and the PCA International Advisor for PCA Women's Ministry conducting training in Nicaragua, Columbia, South America, Scotland, England, Ireland, and El Salvador.

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Originally published Monday, 07 August 2023.