Scorch Marks - Daily Treasure - May 30

Scorch Marks

Sharon and Chuck Betters


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible (Hebrews 11:1-3).

Though an active, committed Christian since her teens, Margie, a young woman who we love as though she were our own daughter, had just begun to understand that our heavenly father loved her unconditionally and would never treat her the way her physically and emotionally abusive earthly father had. She, in turn, rejoiced in being God's beloved daughter; Margie loved God, and she longed to pass His love on to her children. Yet for reasons that are still a mystery, almost 4-year-old Eric woke up from an extended coma with irreversible brain damage. Eric is now totally handicapped; He sits in a wheelchair, and any indication that he is aware of his circumstances is rare. When Margie learned we were writing a book about faith, she appealed to us, “I want to be faithful to God, but I don't understand His ways, and I don't feel His love in this situation. Walking in obedience is so hard when I know there will be no happy endings for my family on this earth. Tell me how to keep walking by faith when life is excruciating. Please, no clichés or surefire recipes.”

There are many Margies in our lives. Each one of these struggling believers is a present-day hero of faith blindsided by traumatic circumstances; they strive to honor God despite their pain. When faced with such hard questions, it’s tempting to produce a “How to Have Joy in the Journey” manual for Christians. Instead, in light of the God-given determination of our friends to know God intimately and to walk by faith even when life is hard, we knew we must share honestly from our difficult journey. God specializes in conforming us into the image of His son (Romans 8:29). In order to do this, He invades our lives in ways that change us forever. We might look back on some of these encounters as fond memories, such as the time we came to know Jesus, the day we married the man or woman God brought into our lives, the day we got that promotion, or the moment we experienced the glorious miracle childbirth. Like Moses, whose face shone brilliantly after just such an encounter (2 Corinthians 3:7), we also know from that moment on our lives will never be the same.

At other times these invasions are more sobering and painful. We are not surprised by the anguished cries of the many people who come to us for comfort and counsel. We know all too well the anxiety caused by too many bills and not enough money, the crushing disappointment of severe church conflict, and the terror that goes with the words you have advanced breast cancer. Each of these life-changing events in our own lives, both the bitter and the sweet, has left an indelible pattern, a kind of scorch mark, upon our souls. Through it all, however, God gently and firmly led us into a deeper intimacy with Him. Even so, none of these experiences could have prepared us for the deaths on July 6, 1993, of our 16-year-old son Mark and his friend Kelly in a car accident.


At times like these, the crushing pain we suffer leads us to cry out, “God is sovereign, but can we trust Him?” In the crucible of suffering, what we believe about God takes on critical importance. What is our reaction when God doesn't resolve our problem when He doesn't keep his promises the way we thought He would, or reconcile marriages even when we've completed every assignment in the marriage manual? Such disappointments will quickly reveal whether our faith is based on an intimate, trusting relationship with God or merely on the blessings He generously gives us. 

But doubts can drive us to the heart of our God, fearlessly lamenting our losses and knowing He welcomes us into His presence, where He holds us tightly in His grip. Do not fear asking questions, and when words fail you, know the Holy Spirit transforms your moanings and groanings into prayers that touch the heart of our God.


When the pain is more than we can bear, may we run straight to You, trusting You to whisper in our ears, “Do not be afraid, I am with you.”

P&R Publishing is running a sale! Treasures of Faith - $3.00, and the Leader’s Guide is $2.00. Supplies are limited. Order here!

More free resources for help hope & healing:

Aging with Grace, Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture

By Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt Discover afresh a gospel that is big enough, good enough, and powerful enough to make every season of life significant and glorious. Free Ask an Older Woman videos and much more. Not just for older women!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of EncouragementTreasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.

For more from Daily Treasure please visit MARKINC.ORG.

Originally published Tuesday, 30 May 2023.