How to Strengthen Your Connection with God

Emmanuel Abimbola

As a Christian, strengthening your connection with God is one of the most important things you can do in your life. John 15:4-5 says, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." 

Through this connection, you can discover guidance and direction for your life, a true sense of serenity and joy, and a deeper awareness of God's love for you and the rest of the world.

The devil and his army start fighting you the moment you give your life to Christ and declare him your personal Lord and Savior. As a result, you must continue to communicate with God because you are untouchable when you are in contact with God (Psalms 23).

God will give his angels instructions to look after you day and night. There are numerous advantages to maintaining a relationship with God, according to Psalms 91. However, creating and keeping this connection requires work, and it can be challenging to know where to begin.

One's life can be greatly impacted by connecting with God. It can give people a sense of direction, meaning, and purpose. In trying circumstances, having a relationship with God can be a source of power, solace, and hope.

It can aid our moral and ethical growth and our ability to take responsibility for our deeds. People with a relationship with God often have a more upbeat attitude toward life, feel more fulfilled, and have a greater sense of inner peace.

Let's look at some key ways to strengthen your connection with God: 

1. Pray

Prayer is an effective tool for enhancing one's relationship with God. When we pray, we give God access to us and invite Him to speak to and lead us. Through daily prayer, we can obtain a better knowledge of God's intention for our lives and a stronger sense of purpose and direction. Additionally, prayer can foster a spirit of humility, thanksgiving, and reliance on God. We accept that we are dependent on God for support and direction in our lives by expressing our needs, worries, and fears to Him through prayer.

Prayer can support the development of positivity, inner serenity, and forgiveness. When we pray about our issues, it helps us see things from a fresh perspective and discover the strength and direction we need to get through them. Praying can also lead to inner peace, as we can trust that God is in control and that everything will work out for our good

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 

Tips for developing a consistent prayer routine

It can be difficult to develop a consistent prayer routine, but with these few tips, it can become a regular and meaningful part of your daily routine.

-Determine a specific time and location for prayer: Choosing a specific time and location for prayer can help it become a habit. You could, for example, pray at the same time every day, such as in the morning or before bed, or you could designate a specific area in your home for prayer.

-Make it a priority: This means making time for it even when you're tired or busy. It's important to remember that prayer is a conversation with God, and we must make time for it just like any other important conversation.

-Keep it simple: Begin with short, simple prayers. This will assist you in developing a prayer habit without becoming overwhelmed. You can gradually increase the length and complexity of your prayers as you become more comfortable with them.

-Experiment with different types of prayer, such as silent meditation, spoken prayers, or written prayers. This will help keep your prayer time exciting and fresh.

-Pray with others: Participating in a prayer group or praying with a friend or family member can provide support and accountability while also increasing one's sense of community.

-Be open and honest in your prayers: Be open and honest in your prayers. Share your joys, fears, and struggles with God as you would with a friend.

2. Love God and Everyone around You

Another great way to strengthen your relationship with God is to follow the first and most important commandment of the law: to love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind. Give yourself over to God if you want a solid connection with Him. 

Be sure to build positive relationships with your neighbors and people around you if you want to deepen your relationship with God. If you are mean to and hurt your neighbors, you hinder your connection with God. Show love to everyone around you by being kind to them, offering to assist them, and maintaining a peaceful relationship with them. Matthew 22:39 states: "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

To improve your relationship with God, learn to love, respect, and honor your family. 1 John 4:20 reminds us: "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" God has also commanded that wives should respect their husbands and that husbands should love their wives as themselves. Therefore, do not hurt your spouse if you want to strengthen your relationship with God. Avoid betraying your wife, and never humiliate your husband. Most importantly, keep God at the center of your marriage and treasure your love for one another and your children.

3. Read and Study Scripture

This is an important way to strengthen one's relationship with God. Colossians 3:16 says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." We can better understand God's nature, His love, and His grace for us by reading and studying the Bible.

Reading and studying the Bible can promote spiritual development and maturity, as well as a stronger sense of morality and values. You become more committed to your faith and are constantly reminded of God's love and presence in your life when you make it a habit to read and study the Bible regularly. It can also offer a sense of daily comfort, inspiration, and encouragement.

3. Worshiping God 

Worship allows us to express our love, gratitude, and devotion to God. Hebrews 13:15 says, "By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." We acknowledge God's greatness and sovereignty via worship, and we offer Him the praise and glory He deserves. Offering worship to God can take numerous forms, such as singing, praying, and listening to sermons. It can also provide a time to ponder God's Word and teachings.

Worship can also be a significant instrument for personal growth and spiritual development. We can be changed and become more like God if we focus on Him and His character.

4. Serve People

Kindness toward others is a powerful way to strengthen one's relationship with God because it allows us to put our faith into action and serve others in the way that Jesus taught. Serving others and doing acts of kindness will enable us to demonstrate God's love and grace to those around us.

Service to others can also help us develop humility, as we are reminded that we are not the center of the universe and that our purpose in this life is to serve others, just as Jesus did in John 13.

Tips for serving others

There are numerous methods to help people and show kindness. Here are some suggestions:

-Volunteer: Work as a volunteer for a non-profit or local charity. This can be providing assistance at a soup kitchen, working at a shelter for the homeless, or giving young people tutoring at a nearby school.

-Offer to assist with community initiatives or activities to give back to your neighborhood. This can include arranging a community fair, cleaning up a nearby park, or taking part in neighborhood beautification initiatives.

-Care for the elderly: Volunteer at a local nursing home or senior center. This can entail paying them a visit, participating in their activities, or running errands for them.

-Support a cause by giving to a charity or non-profit group that shares your values and principles.

-Give a sympathetic ear: Be willing to encourage and listen to friends, family, and even complete strangers. Sometimes, all someone needs to talk about their problems and worries is a sympathetic ear.

-Offer to assist a neighbor with chores like shoveling snow, cutting the yard, or running errands.

-Performing tiny acts of kindness, such as leaving a note of inspiration, buying someone's coffee, or giving a modest gift to someone in need, can be done at random. Look for small but significant opportunities.

-We should also learn to spread compassion and love on social instead of hate and negativity to have a positive and Christ-like impact.

There are numerous texts in the Bible that exhort us to deepen our relationship with God, such as John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Also, James 4:8 says, "Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty, is divided between God and the world." We need to stay connected to God to bear fruit and fulfill our purpose; we also need to draw near to God and purify our hearts to experience His closeness.

Lastly, in Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” This verse reminds us that the most important thing we can do to strengthen our relationship is to show Christ's love.

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Emmanuel Abimbola Emmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.

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