5 Promises to Remember This Fall

Vivian Bricker

Fall time can be a difficult time for many people for various reasons. Some people may have lost loved ones during this season; whereas, others may struggle with seasonal depression. Even if you are not struggling with anything this fall, it is good to be reminded of promises to keep with you as you walk through your day. Promises help us remember we are loved, cherished, and wanted. 

God gives us many promises throughout the Bible, and here are five to remember this fall:

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1. God Will Never Leave You (Hebrews 13:5)

The first promise to remember this fall is that God will never leave you. The Bible tells us, "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you'" (Hebrews 13:5). This is a beautiful promise that we can reflect on throughout the colder months. Often, we feel as though others have forgotten us or forsaken us, but God never does. He always remembers us, loves us, and He will never leave our side. 

As you go through this fall season, remind yourself of this promise. God has made this sure promise to us in the Bible, which means it is one hundred percent true. God never lies, nor does He twist half-truths. Rather, God always tells the truth. This means everything in the Bible is completely true because it is the very words of God. Even if you doubt the promises at times, never doubt God. He is with you through every difficult season of life. 

When God says He will never leave you in Hebrews 13:5, it means He will never leave you–no matter what. Sometimes we believe the false notion that we are too far gone or have strayed too far from God, but this isn't true. No matter what our past entails, God stays with us, and He won't ever leave. Even though others have left us in our lives, God never will. He will always be standing by your side. He loves you, and that is a promise that will endure forever.

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2. God Gives Real Peace (John 14:27)

A second promise to remember this fall is John 14:27. The promise given to us in John 14:27 is that Jesus offers us peace. The Lord tells us, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27). This is a sure promise that we can carry with us always. Life can get overwhelming and stressful at times, especially during the seasons leading up to the holidays; however, we can lean on Jesus during these times. 

We know that Jesus gives us real peace. This is not an artificial peace nor is it a short-term fix. Rather, Jesus' peace is always with us. The more we focus on Him and keep our eyes on the Lord, the more peace we will feel in our lives. The world tries to wear us down with anxieties, never-ending deadlines, and the next best things; however, Jesus welcomes us into His peace. We don't have to give anything in exchange for this peace. Jesus gives us this peace freely because He loves us. 

When you are in need of peace, look to Jesus. Go to Him in prayer and ask Him to fill your heart with peace. Ask Him to take away the anxieties of the day and replace your worries with a heart of peace. It can seem like an impossible task to never have anxieties or worries again; however, with Jesus, all of our worries, fears, and anxieties can become more bearable and not take up all of our mental space.

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3. You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:13-16)

A third promise to remember this fall is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is hard not to get down on ourselves or to feel negative if we compare ourselves to others. It can feel at times that everyone else has everything figured out while we ourselves are struggling. We become jealous or resentful of others because we feel they are doing better than us, look healthier, or are more successful than we are. The comparison game is not a good game to play, and it is best to step away from comparing yourself to others. Rather than comparing yourself to others, remind yourself of the promise that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

God tells us this truth in Psalm 139:13-16. The next time you feel bad about yourself, remember this promise. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are perfect just as you are, and there is no reason to change your physical appearance to reflect the standards of the world. God created you uniquely, and He made no mistake when He formed you. It is hard not to compare ourselves to what we see on social media, but know that social isn't reality. Social photos are highly edited and don't give a real look at life. 

It is but a filter through which we have learned to tear ourselves down. Rather than tearing yourself down, learn to appreciate and accept yourself just as you are. God already loves you as you are, and He says you are beautiful. If God says it is true, then it is completely true. Even on your worst days, remind yourself of this promise. You are amazing as you are, and you are more than enough.

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4. God Will Guide You (Psalm 23)

A fourth promise to remember this fall is that God will guide you. This promise is found in Psalm 23. This is a beautiful Psalm that reminds us of many truths; however, not many people focus on how this passage teaches us that God will guide us. In Psalm 23, God is shown to us as our Good Shepherd. He guides us beside quiet waters and leads us with His gentle instructions. With this in mind, we can rest in the promise that God will always guide us. No matter what you are facing today, know that God will direct your path if you turn to Him. 

It is common for us to think that we know best rather than God. This is not true because sometimes we are neglecting to include God in our decisions. In every decision we make, we need to make sure God is involved. He will guide us and direct us if we let Him. Just as God guides David in Psalm 23 beside quiet waters, He will likewise guide us. Never does God leave us without a path. It might not always be clear, but we can know it is good. 

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5. God Will Keep You Safe (2 Timothy 4:18)

A fifth promise to remember this fall is that God will keep you safe. We see this promise in 2 Timothy 4:18, "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen." This passage of Scripture was written by the Apostle Paul, and he details how Jesus will always rescue him from every evil attack. In the same way, God will protect us and bring us safely to His heavenly kingdom. Although this doesn't mean that we will never have tough times again, it does mean that God will keep us safe from evil and bring us to His side one day in heaven. 

Maybe you are facing something frightening this season. It could be you are embarking on the journey to be a missionary to an unreached people group or maybe you are dealing with the death of a loved one. No matter what you are going through, God will keep you safe. Whether mental, physical, or emotional, God will keep you safe. Some things might not be scary physically, but they can be scary emotionally, such as facing the death of a parent or a loved one. Similarly, some difficulties might be physically scary, such as traveling to a new place where you don't feel safe. 

God will keep you safe no matter where you are or where you go. Through the death of loved ones and through illnesses, God will keep you safe. As you walk through this fall season, remember this promise and reflect on it when times feel particularly overwhelming. God always will keep you safe from evil attacks, and one day, He will bring you to be with Him in His heavenly kingdom. 

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