Party On

Originally published Friday, 01 March 2013.


I love a good party! But I do require that. it. actually. is. fun.


Not too much to ask for, right?


A “spin” party....Not my idea, but when I received an invitation to attend a birthday celebration doing what a dear friend loves…I decided to give it a try.




I arrived, late, and walked into a hot room full of friends with legs flailing in place, faces frowned and sweat beads dripping from their brows. All while a stranger in the front was yelling out terms like: “Hover," “Squat” and “Sprint.”


I was clearly at the wrong party!


I almost changed my mind about going in but all the bikes were facing the door and they all clearly saw me enter the room! I couldn’t escape!


So I took my place on an empty bike and attempted to join in the “fun”…for about 3 minutes.


After the 2nd set of hovers, squats and sprints (or something similar) I was finished. I eased off the bike and headed towards a corner in the back of the room to patiently wait for my friends.


Spinning was not my idea of fun and I was not ashamed to admit it. Not to mention I needed a few minutes to reevaluate my friendships!


However, before I could do my final squat on the floor, I heard the instructor coming towards me.


Oh my…


Long story short, I ended up back on a bike. With some adjusting of the gears, a softer seat cushion, a cheering squad and a pass on the whole “hovering” situation, I was able to finish the class!


In all honesty, I was ok with quitting. It didn’t bother me one bit, however it wasn’t really about me. I was just along for the ride (literally), playing a minor part in someone else’s story. It wasn’t my party.


I don’t know what type of party you’ve found yourself in lately. Maybe you are still enjoying the ride or maybe  like me you’ve decided to just give it up, take a seat and wait for it to be over.  


Well friend, consider this to be your cheering squad! Get up! Get back on, make some adjustments and spin on! Most often when placed in situations we don’t prefer it's not really about us. We are all just here playing a part in a bigger story.