What does being blessed look like?

Originally published Friday, 07 February 2014.

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. Matthew 5:3 (MSG)

My husband and I lay in bed, and I spoke into the darkness, “We’re so blessed!”

I know it seems counterintuitive to say that while he is struggling with cancer, but I meant it. 

In the midst of this storm I have felt held by God, cared for by the one who is most careful with me. I have felt blessed to be alive.

Perhaps this is one of the most valuable lessons I have learnt over the last two years: 

being blessed isn’t the same as being given good things or having an easy time(tweet this)

So often in the past I have called myself blessed when something good happens.

I am blessed when a friend gives me tickets to concert or I am blessed when I am chosen for my dream job.

When I believe that I am only blessed when I experience good things, it is easy to forget that I am blessed all the time, whether my circumstances look like a blessing or curse. 

Matthew 5:3 puts it like this:

I am blessed when I’m at the end of my rope. With less of me there is more of God and his rule. (tweet this)

Whenever I find myself in a place where I have more of God than anything else I am blessed. 

Comprehending this has changed everything for me. 

When my blessings aren’t dependent on the situations I find myself in, it’s easier to lie in the midst of all my problems, battles and struggles and say, “I am so blessed!” 

Ponder: What can you thank God for today?

Prayer: Jesus, open my eyes to see your blessings in every circumstance. Amen. (tweet this)

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- This was orginally published on my site in November 2013 to read more devotionals like this go to ilovedevotionals.com