Let there be peace....

Originally published Thursday, 18 December 2014.

Today was a total waste of makeup! Actually to be honest, I didn't even get that far! Waking with a crippling migraine that meant most of my conversations today were with a toilet bowl (too much information?), I kept to my bed. The offer of a coffee was even refused - yes I was that sick!

I think the busy lead up to Christmas and Year end was my undoing. My body had gone on strike. Having now emerged from the migraine, the lesson has been learnt. It's time to unrush Christmas. Christmas is a time of year that sees many people stressed and under pressure. Gifts to buy and wrap, food to prepare, Christmas events to attend. Add into that Work, School Assembly's and holidays and you have one busy month.

All great, all good and all lots of fun. But still makes for a busy schedule. It's probably just as well that one of the themes of Advent is Peace. And it's probably at this time of year it's when we most need it. At this time of year there are many distractions and stressors that seeks to rob us of peace. But in amongst it all, we need to remember the reason for the season - Jesus. Whose name includes Prince of Peace!

At this time of year we need to keep Jesus first and foremost. And by doing that we can stay in peace even in this busy season. It's a pretty good solution and certainly better than the day I've had today!

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." (Isaiah 26:3).