Stepping into Your Calling

Originally published Wednesday, 18 October 2017.

What is God calling you to?

It's a very important question to consider.  Knowing the answer can make the difference between ongoing fulfillment and unending misguidance. This answer can radically shift the purpose of your life.

Have you asked God? And listened. Observed. Noticed.

And then asked Him again. Listened. Observed. Noticed.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jer. 29:13

Things are in the works my friends, on my end. I have something VERY exciting to announce in the next couple of weeks (and, no, it is not a baby...why do I always have to preface things with that?!). It is something that increases unity, brings restoration and that will change your life. I am sure of it. Oh, I can't wait for you to know. To be a part of it.

But, I could have missed this calling altogether. I really could have. I was just considering this very thought this morning as I sat on my patio. I love to go out there in the mornings. I seek God, read scripture and absorb the Lord's goodness. Well, this morning, as I tried to place my mind on Him above, I couldn't. All I could hear was a consistent...SQUAWK!!! SQUAWK!!!

Get out of here!!! You are so annoying.

Try as I may to focus on how God wanted me to proceed with every He'd called me to, how to...SQUAWK! SQUAWK!

The shrill voice of the crows butted in once again.

And, I couldn't: I couldn't think. I couldn't listen. I couldn't move. I couldn't get my mind off the annoyance.

What is squawking in your life right now? Making you believe you can't hear God?

God never leaves us; it is usually our mind that leaves him. We always have the opportunity to return back.

Today, I sit with fresh resolve: I will not allow what is making noise around me - other's voices, distractions of the iPhone, bad news on TV, uncertainty in the world, aggravation with a friend - keep me away from this question any longer -  "What is God calling me to?"

I'll fight to hear him. Will you?

There is a very real enemy, with a very real plan to hold you back from God's real good stuff. Are you letting him win?


Kelly’s new book, Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears has been called “A must read,” “Breathtakingly honest” and a “Great Toolbox to Overcome Fear.” Read it today.

Discover how to flee from fear and fly in faith through 4 Days to Fearless Challenge.

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