Why Your Money Is So Important

Originally published Tuesday, 17 February 2015.

There will be all types of people who read this with many different stories. Some of you have been through financial education classes, graduated college, and/or work in professional environments, while others are still in pursuit of a high school diploma. Some are middle class. Some are below the poverty line right now. Maybe you were raised in a home where you were never taught about healthy money management and finances. Whatever the case, understanding healthy money management as a Christian is critical. Here’s why:

-Money stresses us out. It causes many tears. Stressed parents don’t parent well. Friends who are battling major financial stress struggle to give good advice. It affects your friendships, your job performance, and your parenting, among others.

-Jesus died for our salvation and he died that we may be set free. I am convinced through John 10:10 that Christ not only paid for our salvation (and oh, how wonderful that is), but he also paid for our freedom. That freedom is intended for our spiritual lives, of course. But money can absolutely be bondage for us that can cause us to be enslaved to our thought process or poor decisions. Poor money management can be a culprit in addiction. As Christians, we want freedom in all areas, so that we may be a living example of who Christ is living through us. Make no mistake. I’m not talking about some frivolous pursuit to secure worldly riches. Christ didn't die for us to be rich! Of course not. He died that we may be free. I simply mean having the freedom to know that our financial situation isn’t a hindrance in our faith walk with Him.

-We want to leave our children a legacy. Proverbs 13:22 says Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren. Did you notice it doesn’t even say children, rather grandchildren? What an important word for us! We are to be good stewards of that which the Lord has given us in hopes of leaving something behind for our children and their children.

-Wisdom. Proverbs 24:3 says A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong with good sense. Healthy money management leads to freedom.

-And if you are single, you want to move into a new relationship healthy.  As one who has healthy money management as a single, it is much easier for you not to constantly pursue a spouse just to help you pay your bills or help you make ends meet.  It is easier not to jump into a new relationship out of sheer financial desperation, when you’ve taken good care of that which has been entrusted to you. You are a healthy, strong woman or man of God who brings great value to a relationship, when you’ve pursued financial wisdom.

Jennifer Maggio is the founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries and Overwhelmed: The Single Moms Magazine. Her journey from homeless single mother to 11-time Circle of Excellence winner is Corporate America leaves audiences riveted. She describes herself as an ordinary girl loving an extraordinary God. For more info, visit http://www.thelifeofasinglemom.com.  

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Thitaree Sarmkasat