Learning New Ways to Refocus in the New Year There is something exciting about the new year, isn’t there? The possibilities. The potential. The old is gone, and new is here. It’s the reason that so many focus on fresh goals each January. We love the idea of having a fresh start. Let 2023 be a fresh focus for you, an opportunity to re-evaluate your goals, dreams, hopes, and day-to-day tasks. In order for us to refocus, we must first be aware of what we may be focusing on that distracts us. There are three areas that far too many of us get distracted by, and they take way too much of our time and energy: Comparison --- Unfortunately, we are often so busy worried about what somebody else has, does, sees, or gets, that we can’t stay in our own lane and be truly grateful for the work God is doing in our own lives. Comparison steals our joy. It robs us of our gratitude. How can we be thankful for what God’s done in our life when we’re so busy looking over to the left or right at what He’s doing for someone else? Comparison causes division. Be thankful someone else is getting blessed, that their influence or opportunities are increasing! God is unlimited in resources, plans, or supplies. We can be thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ and also be hopeful of our own futures. Comparison often distracts us from what God wants to do with us. God can’t bless us because we won’t be faithful with this little thing. Maybe Sally has been faithful with her little, and that is why she’s being blessed. Choose to focus on what God has given us, not someone else. “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” Galatians 6:4-5. “I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.” Philippians 4:11-12 Comparison does nothing but leaves us miserable. Social Media --- Technology is a wonderful thing, but only when used appropriately. And frankly, I don’t even know if we know what appropriate usage is anymore! We’re often more concerned with followers than true friends or likes or re-shares, or whatever else social media tells us is valuable. We’re walking zombies, scrolling through cell phones, wondering what somebody else is doing, while often lacking in true relationship and intimacy with others. We are more concerned with status updates that sanctification. We are more concerned with the perfect “selfie” than we are about serving others. We’re more worried about what everyone else is doing and who they are doing it with than understanding that we’re supposed to be busy about our Father’s business. We do not value the art of conversation, the joy of the sun shining on our face on a beautiful spring day, or the freedom of holding hands with our children, minus the iPhone or Android. Often, we can’t put down technology for fear we will miss something. Meanwhile, we miss life. Let us make this year different. Let us truly embrace the moment, enjoy the season, hear the birds, and smell the flowers. Let’s take time to be with one another, rather than reading about one another. Status --- We’re busy pursuing platforms, prestige, climbing the corporate ladder, our marital status, or someone giving us a handclap. We’re busy pursuing financial success or if someone will hand us a microphone and that becomes our focus. When a thing becomes the thing, it’s the wrong thing. Jesus came that we may have an abundant, wide-open, expansive, spacious life for freedom in Him. So What is life? What are we supposed to focus on this year? Living is about being sold out for Christ. It’s about a pure heart. It’s about serving that homeless man a warm meal. It is looking a friend in the eye, as she shares her heart and soul with you. It is holding the hand of a loved one. Living is about laughing when your children laugh. It’s about grace and joy and forgiveness, and tears. It is feeling and doing. It is resting. It is being fully present in every moment. It knows the depth of the love of a Heavenly Father that created you for his enjoyment. And the best way to honor that Father is by fully living, each day, in the glory of his honor and name. Let’s allow 2023 to be about that type of focus and living. Jennifer Maggio is a national voice for single mothers and hurting women. Her personal story has been featured in hundreds of media venues including The New York Times, Daystar Television, The 700 Club, and many others. She is CEO/Founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries, a national nonprofit that works with churches to develop single mom’s programs and ministries, totaling over 1600 groups currently. The Life of a Single Mom has served over 500,000 single mothers over the last decade and counting. Maggio is an author of several books, including The Church and the Single Mom. For more information, visit www.jennifermaggio.com. Jennifer Maggio is a mom to three, wife to Jeff, and founder of the national nonprofit, The Life of a Single Mom Ministries. She is author to four books, including The Church and the Single Mom. She was named one of the Top 10 Most Influential People in America by Dr. John Maxwell in 2017 and 2015 and has appeared in hundreds of media venues, including The New York Times, Family Talk Radio with Dr. James Dobson, Joni and Friends, and many others.