This helps to get past your past

Originally published Monday, 12 October 2015.

As we get older we believe what our past has said about us or how our past has shaped our thoughts. Whatever the reason for our failures, either because of someone else or by our own bad choices in life, the hurt is buried.  Recently, I had to dig down deep to rid myself of a bad thought life that was trying to overpower me.  I let go of my past and I stopped its pursuit. 

How can you put your past behind you? 

  1. Stop comparing and seeking perfection.  Those two habits only lead to discouragement and feeling bad about yourself.  Discouragement leads to depression and inferior self-feelings.   
  2. Stop envy.  Envy is being jealous of another’s success or hard work that has been accomplished.  How often we think that God is running out of blessing because others are succeeding at something we want.  Stop that!
  3. Be grateful.  When we compare, seek approval and envy it’s natural to dwell on what we don’t have.  Rid yourself of jealousy so that you celebrate wins and focus on what you can learn from others.  Be grateful for what you have and make the most of every opportunity.

Remember:  God doesn't compare or criticize His children so why do we?

God placed us in the lives of others to build them up, not tear them down or try to dominate over each other.  We are not to be takers but partakers in what God is doing in and through His children.  God never intended for us to compete with each other.  How often we injure our own and leave them for dead in the pew.

Hurt people hurt people.   "Unfortunately, there are people who criticize, chastise and ridicule others for their work, efforts and accomplishments.  They are like cats ready to pounce.  Their own insecurities are their trigger."  Bryan Hutchinson.  (Shared from his eBook "Good Enough: Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval")

I will never find the perfect approval that my soul craves from an imperfect source. My self-esteem was bitten by the "disease to please" admits Lysa TerKeurst.  I started praying this verse over my life and it changed my perspective and helped me resolve some past issues that continually pounced. 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." Ps. 139:23-24. 

Has your perfectionism caused you to put on the facade of cattiness, gossiping, whining, sarcasm, martyrdom, cynicism, snide remarks, realism or feeling left wounded?  "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.  Small people do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can somehow become great." ~ Mark Twain.

Maybe you have been searching for validation, approval, and acceptance.   Start by looking past your past to put that behind you and be grateful