Our Top 10 Articles and Blogs Posts in 2013

Originally published Wednesday, 08 January 2014.

As we march ahead into 2014, we thought it would be fun to share our most read articles and blog posts from this past year. A BIG thank you to our amazing writers for this fantastic collection of stories, tips, and biblical truth!

Top 10 Articles

1. Health Food Heresy: When Healthy Eating Becomes Your God by Lindsey Carlson. We can most likely agree that overeating or obsessing about food is sinful idolatry. But could I also be sinning while I’m eating a well-balanced diet, low in carbs, high in protein and losing weight?

2. The Good Man Checklist by Nicole Unice. What should you look for in a "good man?" Sometimes, in the quest for that spiritual leader, you might miss the qualities that Christ put in your man that aren't quite so visible.

3. Mind Blowing Forgiveness by Renee Fisher. Friends, do you how much God loves you? Because He loves you, He wants to make you and I aware of our sin. Today, choose to stop hiding your sin and shame.

4. What is My Anger Telling Me? by Wendy van Eyck. I've been angry a lot lately, and I became curious about whether my anger was telling me something about my heart.

5. The Waiting Rooms of Life by Betsy St. Amant. It’s hard to sit and wait, especially when you start to feel like you've been sitting there forever and your name will never be called. But God hasn't forgotten you.

6. Keeping Your Emotional Tank Full by Wendy van Eyck. When our tank is full, we find it easier to find joy in each day, to laugh and cope with trials. When it's empty, we find it more difficult to cope with the little things that come up.

7. When Your Spouse is Just a Roommate by Jenny Schermerhorn. In the midst of hectic mornings and busy nights, does your husband feel more like a stranger than a spouse?

8. Why I Stopped Going to Church by Jennifer Maggio. The longer I stayed away from church, the easier it was for me to continue to do so. And the truth is, my journey back into God’s house was a long, hard one.

9. Plugging into Prayer by Betsy St. Amant. How many times have we as believers desperately wanted to pray God’s will, but didn’t know what it was? Praying Scripture is taking the cord of our prayers and plugging it into the outlet of God’s power.

10. Why I Stopped Pretending Lust Was Just A Male Issue by Rebecca Halton. I grew up knowing I should save sex itself for marriage, but I didn't know what to do with the rest of my God-given sexuality.

Top 10 Blog Posts

1. Believe, Trust and Move On- Wynter Pitts
2. Does Mediating on God’s Wrath Help with Depression? – Lindsey Carlson
3. Five Verses to Help You Live For Your Eternal Home- Brooke Cooney
4. A New School Year and My 3 Prayers- Wynter Pitts
5. How to Make A Tough Decision - Wendy van Eyck
6. When You’re Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin- April Motl
7. 10 Tips to Renew Your Devotional Life- Renee Fisher
8. When Community is Hard- Christina Fox
9. Because Sometimes Words Need to be Buried Under Cow Poop – Melanie Moore
10. A Letter of Hope to Those Who Dread Their Jobs- Allison Vesterfelt

Did you have a favorite article or blog post in 2013? Share with us in the comments section!