God's in the Details

Originally published Monday, 07 September 2015.

The consistency of my writing has been delayed over the last couple months. I don’t like that it has, but I have had to come to grips that the season I’m in really isn’t allowing me to pour out in that way right now. The challenges of the constant change in routine as my little one grows up has definitely played a toll on many areas of my life, and I’m finding less and less space for “me time” in between all of the daily duties of mom-life and house work.

Of course, today, momma is getting a little breather while, thank-the-Lord-Jesus, my baby boy (who is almost a year old…oh my goodness!) gave in to an afternoon nap- this has been quite the struggle over the last month, actually. Teething stinks, that I am sure of!

I’m thankful that God sees me right where I am. Instead of trying to force change or transition, I’m learning to embrace my current season. I truly do not want to “fake it until I make it” when it comes to my writing. I know that whatever season I’m experiencing, my writing is going to inevitably reflect that.

So just like my 9th grade English teacher, Mrs. Jackson, told us, “write what you know,” I’m going to do just that.

A couple weeks ago, the weather here in St. Louis was absolutely gorgeous- hinting and flirting with me that Fall is on it’s way, my favorite season. I decided that I was going to take Isaiah and my pup, Samson, for a walk. I ended up driving to the park where Paul and I spent the early part of relationship. It was there where God impressed upon our hearts that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together- on our 2nd date mind you. Even then, I was still wrestling with my move to LA, and feeling the Lord strongly tell me not to, and seeing the reason why I needed to stay holding my hand and looking into my eyes.

As I was walking the trail with my son and furry son, God reminded me of when He showed up those (almost) seven years ago and changed the course of the rest of my life. While everything seemed to be at a stand-still regarding finding my soul-mate, and because of all of the past hurt and betrayal, I planned on filling my life with my career, but this night, it all changed in an instant. I pushed the stroller to the same exact park bench where my now-husband and I sat, looking up at the stars, while my head rested on his shoulder. Here I was, seven years later, sitting on that same park bench with our son. It was hard for me not to cry. In the midst of  sometimes boring mom-life, I saw God’s sovereignty and mighty love for me.

It was there in this beautiful moment, I realized that God has never forgotten me. He is writing every detail of my story and weaving it all together so effortlessly.

I like to call those moments “God winks.”

While I feel like not much is going on around me, and the mundane seems to close in on me, I see God in all the details.

In the waiting and in the process, God's in the details. He's always in the details.CLICK TO TWEET

He’s always writing your story. He’s always adding to it, even when it doesn’t seem like anything is moving.

Check out more of my blogs on www.emilyrosemassey.com! Also, visit my website for more information on how to stay connected with me, as well as info about my book Yielded in His Hands- now available on Amazon.com!