Time Management for Women

Originally published Monday, 21 March 2016.


How would you say you are doing in this area? Could you use a little help? Let’s face it. As women, we are SUPER busy these days, right?! We have so many demands on us within a 24 hour period that sometimes we could literally scream! Would you agree? So honestly speaking, I would venture to say that I think we ALL could use a little or lot of extra help in this department (and I would love for you to share your time management skills in the comment section below in just a bit). But for now, let’s move forward.

I would say that Jesus managed His time well when He was here on earth. Think about it. He spent time alone praying (His devotion), working as a carpenter, teaching, performing miracles, busy being a servant leader, and doing exactly what His Father told Him to do. He ROCKED time management! And at the end of it all, He was productive!

So as Christ’s followers, I believe that we can do it too…with the power of the Holy Spirit’s help. We are not alone. Anytime we try to do anything on our own, we end up wasting a lot of time. Instead, we have to learn how to rely more on the Holy Spirit to help us lay out our days and schedules.

Actually what helps keep me grounded is when I say out loud, “Lord, this is Your plan. Your will for my life. Holy Spirit show me what You would have me to do today. I give You my To-Do-List. Order my steps in Your Word O Lord, and throughout the day.” Psalm 37:23 says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” (NLT)

I don’t know about you, but I love it when the Lord orchestrates my day and directs my path. I actually get more done. Again, we can’t do anything without Christ. He tells us in John 15:5, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” We can’t be productive without Him. We need Him to help us manage our time well.

In a nutshell, time management is all about managing your time. It’s scheduling, planning, compartmentalizing your day and the things that need to get done. So what needs to get done today for you? What do you need to be working on? How’s the housework coming along? Are you ready to start checking off a few things off of your To-Do-List? Have you prayed over your today list yet? Remember, you can do nothing without Him.

When you get some time, read about the Proverbs 31 Woman (meaning read Proverbs 31: 1-31). She was a very ADMIRABLE woman!!! She got things done the moment she opened her eyes for the day! Proverbs 31:15 says, “She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.” Verse 17 says, “She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.” She’s a great example for us women. We could learn a few things from her.

Listen, you don’t have to be SUPERWOMAN or get up super early to fix everyone breakfast in the house (you can if you want to). But the point here is that she got up ready to take on her day. And we should be ready to do the same thing. So manage your time well my sister. You and I can do this…with Christ. He will give us the strength. Go for it and manage your time well today. Make it count!

*AND don’t forget to share your good tips of how you manage your day well. Hint: One of my friends said that she doesn’t clean the whole house in a day. She saves her bedroom for a different day. Good tip! I’m using it! Your turn…(share your tips with me and the women reading this blog post today in the comment section here or on FB comments). Thanks!!!  

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon. And those who endure unto the end, shall be saved. Let’s be ready from the Inside Out.


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