God is Calling You...

Originally published Monday, 30 March 2015.


God is calling you to win souls for Him. It’s time! Jesus is coming soon and when He comes, He will come quickly. But before He does come, you’ve got to do your part. And since you don’t know when, it’s time to start moving.

Jesus told His disciples a long time ago, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37 NLT). He told them this because as He traveled to different cities, the people’s problems were so great. Matthew 10:36 says, “He felt great pity for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they didn’t know where to go for help.” (NLT)

Guess what? That statement is still true today. There are still so many people around us who need help. And many are lost without Christ. Jesus is the answer. He is their hope. But guess what else? There are still a lot of people who still don’t know anything about Jesus Christ!

I can recall witnessing to a young woman who didn’t know about Jesus yet. I was surprised that she had never heard of His name this late in hour. So you see. We simply can’t assume that people know Him. We just have to be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, and share Christ as God leads us, because He knows.

John 6:44 says, “For people can’t come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me…” (NLT) God will draw them to His Son. And He can use to help in the process, if you’re willing and obedient. Just remember as you share Christ that He’s in charge of the conversion (whether they truly accept Him in their heart), your job is to simply share.

Listen. It’s not by chance that you are reading this post today. God is calling you. As a disciple of Christ, I’m praying to God that you would go out into the harvest field and do the work that He has called you to do for such a time as this. Jesus told his disciples, “So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.” (NLT)

You are a worker and I’m praying for you. Don’t be afraid. Again, the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you to the person who needs to be saved or who needs to be encouraged with the Word. He will give you the supernatural boldness. Not only that, but He will give you what you need to say. Just be obedient to His voice and direction and share the Good News…because it truly is good news.

I’m sure there are many people in your neighborhood, community, or job who still don’t know Jesus and who are hurting. They are walking around in the grocery store, mall, at the gas station, post office, fast food places, restaurants, events, you name it…souls are everywhere! And their problems are great as Jesus said. So what are you waiting for? Will you be that laborer in God’s field? Will you be that godly soul winner?

Proverbs 11:30 says, “The godly are like trees that bear life-giving fruit, and those who save lives are wise.” (NLT) You have what they need. You have Jesus. Some of you reading this, may already be winning souls for Christ and I think that’s AWESOME! Keep doing it! Don’t stop!

But no matter where you are today sis, continue growing in your faith and the Word of God so you’ll be ready when the time comes to share your faith with others. Watch and pray for opportunities to witness to people. First Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” Meaning, always be ready to share your faith and do it in a gentle and respectful way.

So be that wise woman and join in saving souls for the Kingdom. God wants to use you to help win souls for heaven. He’s calling you...I hope you answer.

*If you have any questions about how to effectively witness to people in your community and beyond, ask your question in the comment box below. Also, if you have been winning souls for Christ, I’d love to see how your experiences have been AND how you came to know Christ as well? Share your testimony here. Thanks!

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!



Don’t forget to join me for my next call on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 @ 8:30pm (CST)! April’s topic is called, “Women Walking in Wisdom.” In order to do what God is calling you to do in this life, you WILL need wisdom. So, don’t miss this call! Tell your friends about it on Facebook and Tweet it! The call number is (218) 548-6370, Code: 12345#. Visit www.insideoutwithcourtnaye.org for more info!

*Again, thanks for reading this post! I hope and pray that you’ve been enlightened. Also, if this post and ministry has blessed your life, please consider making a donation of any amount today to help further the gospel here @ http://www.insideoutwithcourtnaye.org/.

*And don’t forget to tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts, “Like” my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/InsideOutWCourtnaye), and follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/InOutwCourtnaye. Also, share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!