A Good Read - 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife

Originally published Monday, 27 January 2014.

My friend Arlene Pellicane has written another great marriage book! This one is titled: 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife. It's full of Biblical encouragement to help us wives reset our focus in our marriage, learn contentment in Christ over our circumstances, and how to trim out the unhealthy things that breed unhappiness in our hearts. I'm about half way through with my copy and I've loved every bit of it! 

Arlene breaks down five points to safeguard our wife-joy based on the acrostic "Happy." A happy wife is:

Hopeful--believe that a happy marriage is within your reach
Adaptable--learn to be open to change
Positive--choose to be more optimistic
Purposeful--discover a new vision for your role as a wife
Yielded--experience joy as you submit to God's plan

She also has all these great Biblical insights packaged in a one-month devotional--so it's easy to practice one application everyday for a month. 

I'll be keeping you posted with more info as I read and in February we'll be hosting a give-away for this great book! Make sure you don't miss the give-away by signing-up or following us via emailfacebooktwitter or on pinterest.

For more information about Arlene Pellicane, or her other great resources, visit her website at www.ArlenePellicane.com.