Out On Your Own: An Interview

Originally published Tuesday, 04 December 2012.

I'm super excited to bring in my friend Ruth Rutherford. You all might already be familiar with Ruth from her awesome blog, I Kissed My Date Goodnight.


I met Ruth this past summer at a conference and we instantly connected. As we were talking about life as a 30-something, I instantly knew I needed to have Ruth come on over to LIVE IT OUT! and share her story...or part of it. Ruth was so gracious to take sometime to answer some questions about the topic we covered in Stress Point: Out On Your Own. Take a look at what Ruth has to share.

~Ruth, can you give us some background on your personal story in how you moved "out on your own?"

I was born and raised in New Jersey, where I also attended college. The day after graduation, I packed up my car and drove to Music City, U.S.A. (that's Nashville!) where I settled for five years. After that came a short stint in Austin, Texas, and now over two years in Washington, D.C. So, I've been living on my own for quite a while. My parents encouraged it from day one. They've never been the types to think living at home until marriage is the "only way" or the "Christian way." I always know I have a home there if I want it, but they encourage my independence. After all, my dad left Argentina at 16 years old and came -- by himself -- to America. Daring, if you ask me!


~What was your biggest struggle or fear? How did you overcome it?

A couple years ago I was laid off from a job, and that was a tough time. As a single person, you bear all the financial burden. I can't just depend on a husband to pay the bills until I find another job. I ended up shacking up at my parents' house for a while until a job came through. It was humbling. They were generous and loving, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing. But I think the lesson learned is that just because we're single doesn't mean we don't have a support system. It's important to reach out to family, friends, and church communities in times of need. That's the Church in action!


~The challenging economy these days makes it difficult for many young adults to launch out from under the wing of their parents. Do you have any tips for my readers in how to overcome the financial stress of moving out on your own?

The economy is rough, that's for sure. I know so many who are unemployed right now or struggling to make ends meet. My main advice is to be wise AND adventurous. Be wise: Don't rely on credit cards, save up for emergencies, don't borrow for things you don't need, work hard, and pray. (Can you tell I like Dave Ramsey?) But... be adventurous, too!: Move out, get a cheap apartment, get roommates to split the rent, live without cable TV for a while, learn how to cook cheap, delicious meals, and PRAY!. You can do it! Heck, I had FOUR roommates and TWO jobs when I first moved to Nashville! Focus on the stuff that living on your own offers -- independence, freedom, fun. The other things will work out over time. God is faithful like that.


More about my friend Ruth:

Ruth Rutherford studied Journalism at Rutgers University and has spent over a decade writing and ghostwriting for various authors, publishers, and publications. She currently works as a writer and editor for a large government consulting firm in Washington, D.C., and continues to blog about her dating adventures at ikissedmydategoodnight.com. She's passionate about facilitating a healthy, realistic conversation about Christian dating, and helping singles of all ages realize the amazing adventures we're called to lead -- with or without a ring.


Ok...so...wasn't that awesome advice?! Would love for you to share your thoughts about the topic of Moving Out On Your Own.

Leave a comment...let's chat!

***You can read more from Sarah Martin at LIVE IT OUT! blog.