Dreaming with God

Originally published Sunday, 21 June 2015.

It was on a plane that God first introduced His plan.  “I want you to think about writing, about being a voice for those who can’t speak, about sowing seeds that cause change and to be an advocate for the helpless and the hopeless.”

It was 2010, and I sat blurry eyed on a return flight home, worn to a frazzle from my past week in the Dominican Republic.  That was 5 years ago this month.  I wasn’t sure in that moment what God was showing me but I realize that was the beginning of writing for a purpose.  “How could this ever happen Lord?”  Oh yes, I could speak up for children living in less fortunate circumstances.  Oh yes, I could give them a voice.  Oh yes, I could help them with a hand up by bringing awareness to their needs.

Oh yes, I could do it for someone else, but I often get stuck in the “how”.

It has been many years later and many miles further while sitting on planes that God has fined tuned my voice to write.  What I have seen and what I know about God is coming together to bring hope to the hopeless, and to remind you who God is in the middle of your day and to walk in obedience to His exit strategy.

I have traveled many miles with many tears as my companion.  This a part of who I am, my fabric in my inmost being.  Travels with God take a toll on my heart.  I am moved as He moves in me and I’m still inclined to follow God’s plan towards international missions.  So my intentions in this is continue to speak to what matters to me.  God continues to show me His character when I step outside of myself.

I am stretched each trip where He sends me.  This last trip to Nicaragua, He revealed more of His character in me.  And it blew me away at how His process unfolded right in front of me.  Today as I sit down to write what was on my heart, I couldn’t settle on one topic.  My heart and brain are so full of what He showed me.  Once again I reflect back on the time on the plane.

God shows us His purpose for what He has put inside of you for His reasons.  Others could miss it but if it makes sense to you then it’s meant for you to see what God has for you.  God reminds me that I have every reason to trust who He is in each trip.  As you are stretched it’s to see His glory, it’s His Spirit that He uses to penetrate His power through your dream mindset barriers.

The biggest territory I have traveled through is in the discovery of freedom in my mindset.  I have overcome doubt in the biggest way which has brought a stronger voice in writing and missions combined.  Two years ago on Jan. 1, 2013, God pitched a God sized idea into brain and asked me “how about I bring your love of writing together with your love of missions?”

So I took up the mantle of writing with God as my Victor.

I’ve been dreaming with God.  And He has been honoring His desires in my life.  I didn’t know how or what that meant at the time, but He transformed His question to a promise.  And that gives my mind the ability to forge ahead claiming new territory that the enemy had stolen by warring with doubt.  God has blessed my faith in that I have overcome a huge stronghold in my life and writing with the mind of Christ.  The mind of Christ is an eternal established placed inside all believers and can’t be deleted.

By submitting my heart’s desire to align with God’s I have found the secret to unlocking the gifts He has placed on the inside of me, in the inmost parts of who He has created me to be.  Making a list in my missions journal, I realized that He has done a wonder from the inside out.  And because He is so great within me, I reflect God as HE changes me from the inside out.  Tapping into the secrets of God’s brings an unlimited supply of everything that transforms me, my family and the community around me.  My world and His nations are uniquely designed by His imagination, His creativity and certainly His wisdom.  This innovative way of thinking is the way God dreams for you.

So I ask you today are you giving God space to do a little dreaming in you?  Are there rooms in your heart or mind that need a special inspirational touch?  Are there lands that God is calling you to?  Is there a new community God wants to use you to touch in a way that can be done by what He has placed inside of you?

Do you believe that God has given you special qualities to create a better world around you?

As I my mindset shifts to His peace, I know that He guides my words and can trust that in my sowing seeds by writing is my purpose and that in my sharing publicly this is of His design.  His seed faithfully sows in my life as I write for hope, for change, for growth, and as God prospers and promotes my territory.  His grace bears the fruit inside of me.

You see, I had to give up what I was holding most dear and close, my inmost being to honor God with everything I had, to give it all away.  I won’t be famous in doing this, nor will I get rich by writing this.  And most certainly won’t be popular by claiming this victory.  The shift in my mindset over overcoming my old way of thinking is a HUGE victory in itself.  By plane, train, and automobile, by running, sitting, and standing, by walking and being in His presence, God has reminded me that I am not only doing this for me but to faithfully sow into you.

That’s the part of the exit strategy that I grasp most days, because He has brought a wonder and whim to my words and gives them strength and sends them where they need to go.  I don’t know who is reading but I know it’s my turn to show you the God parts in me that are compelling me forward.  This is my “why” because I can’t help but share what I’ve seen and heard from the One who gives me His strategy in every way.

That’s how I grasp and take hold of the promise.  In addition, I’m writing a book about God’s answer to my release of 132 lbs. of excess weight.  I’m writing my freedom and I’m writing under the anointing of His favor and victory in a most personal way.

This post will probably never go viral or be shared or but I do hope that it moves you closer to your dream.  Thank you for coming along side of me and lifting my arms in prayer for strength and courage to do what He has laid before me.  This is my victory of mindset that matters big to me.

What is stopping you from dreaming with God?   Do you get stuck in the “how”?