The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety.
"Making space for skills, you know, it's one of those things that you hate to make it so practical, but I'm kind of like, well, how long do you spend putting your makeup in the morning, you know? How long are you standing in front of the mirror? Can you get some Scripture up on your mirror? How long is your drive to work? Can you put on a podcast, listen to some worship music?
You know these sound so basic and sometimes I feel silly bringing it back to this, but it's always about this because it's not about something you're going to master when it comes to a relationship with Jesus. It's literally about a relationship, and like any relationship it requires cultivating. It requires time.
If we're going to move away from fate grace, move away from fear, move away from ruminating on our failures and being sort of stuck, and move into a place where we maybe really believe for the first time that God has a plan for our life, that He's put relationships into our life where He is actively at work drawing people to Himself. But he wants to use us for the work that He's doing in the world.
If we're going to move toward that, it's going to take some skill. It's going to take some time. It's going to mean that we have to devote at least some moments of every single day to understanding His voice, knowing what He says and how He says it, and doing the things that He's told us to do so that we might hear from Him.
So, it's sort of basic but you begin to change. You start to see the world differently. You start to hear your mind differently when you're entering in with this whole other kind of Romans 12, do not be conformed by the patterns of the world but be transformed by renewing your mind. The renewal of your mind means the things in your mind are actually changing because of the time that you're making for God to work."
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Nathan Dumlao
Originally published Friday, 06 January 2023.