Chapter 1 - Forgiving What You Can't Forget - iB Book Club

Published Aug 12, 2022
Chapter 1 - Forgiving What You Can't Forget - iB Book Club

Hi team, Unfortunately, I have Covid, so I won't be hosting a live today. (We will pick that up next week, same day, same time [Friday at 1 pm ET].) 

However, I thoroughly enjoyed the Intro and Chapter 1 of Lysa TerKeurst's book, Forgiving What You Can't Forget. In the video, I hit a few points that struck home for me. 

A few questions I have for you: 

1. Do you have a BC/AD moment? A time "Before Crisis" and "After Devastation" shook you to your core? Can you remember a certain time, experience, season, etc. that pivoted your perception of hope and trust and God's goodness? (I know I certainly have a few moments that have shifted both head and heart.)

2. Have you found that cynicism, bitterness, resentment, delaying the healing, or trust issues have developed as a result of what happened to you? Personally, I struggle most with bitterness; bitterness makes me feel like I am always the victim and allows me the unhealthy space to place blame on others, so I never have to work on myself. Trust issues rear an ugly head too when people have hurt me. 

3. What does it mean to you, in your personal journey to forgive and find freedom, when Lysa says, "Those who cooperate most fully with forgiveness are those who dance most freely in the beauty of redemption"? 

This book definitely gets into the nitty-gritty parts of faith, the more challenging aspects of the Gospel that push us toward mirroring our Savior. However, is this not, in fact, what we are called to do? As believers, we press into seasons of refinement as the hard but perfect avenue for us to not only chase our Jesus but to become just like him. 

Up next, we will take on Chapter 2 of Forgiving What You Can't Forget. And I am sure you will be not only challenged but blessed by the lessons tucked in its pages. 

Stay healthy, stay blessed, and I will see you *live* next Friday at 1 pm ET. 

Thank you for being a part of the iB Book Club. 


Originally published Monday, 15 August 2022.