One of the best ways to strengthen family bonds is to enjoy traditions together and make memories. Fall is a beautiful time of the year, and cooler temperatures make doing outdoor activities a great deal of fun. Here are 7 fall traditions and some suggestions for giving them a Christ-centered focus.
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1. Dinner and a Corn Maze
Schedule an evening (maybe a Saturday or Sunday evening) when as many family members as possible can get together for a sit-down meal followed by visiting a corn maze. Make it a special occasion and explain that no electronic devices will be allowed at the dinner table. Also, make a point of including corn on the cob as part of the meal.
After dinner, have each person who can read take a turn reading a few verses out loud from the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:1-20). Invite each person to briefly share one idea about how they can make an effort to deepen their relationship with the Lord or have the family brainstorm new ways each one can show the love of Christ to those around them. The sharing part could also be done en route to the corn maze.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/AleksandarNakic

2. Enjoy Hiking through the Beauty of God's Creation
This family hiking excursion could be a local destination or a road trip. Find a spot along the trail that has a gorgeous scene. Maybe a beautiful mountain view, a meadow with abundant wildflowers, a gorgeous waterfall, or standing at the bottom of an awe-inspiring canyon. Have everyone take a seat, and each person that can read takes turns reading the verses from Genesis chapter 1. Ask each person what their favorite thing is that God created and why.
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3. Make an Apple Pie Together
Plan to bake a pie together. Some can wash and cut up apples; others can season the apples and mix them all together. Depending on your level of enthusiasm for cooking, a crust can be made, or a premade one can be purchased. Once the pie is ready to eat, read from Psalm 34:1-8. Ask each person to describe one way in which they feel God has been good to them.
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4. Make Sun Catchers Together
There are various online retailers that sell all the materials needed to make sun catchers. Some retailers include fall themes and faith-based messages that can tie into a family devotional time, and there are quite a few from which to choose. A few places to check out include Oriental Trading, Amazon, and Walmart.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Alek Zotoff

5. A Bonfire and Some Music
Make a bonfire, cook hotdogs over a campfire, and make s'mores for dessert. Ask each person what their favorite worship song is and why. Sing the song together. If someone happens to be gifted to play the guitar, include accompaniment or perhaps sing favorite worship songs with an iPad.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Drazen Zigic

6. Family Movie Night
Pop some popcorn and enjoy a faith-based movie. A few of the many great choices to stream or watch via a DVD include Overcomer, War Room, Jesus Revolution, and The Chosen. The Forge is a great one to have on your watch list for streaming availability. And if you like the theater experience, a great one to remember for next month is Average Joe, which is from the Producers of God's Not Dead and The Blind.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images Evgenyatamanenko

7. Stargazing and Hot Chocolate
Fill several thermoses with hot chocolate. Set up some lawn chairs or spread out a blanket as the sun sets and the stars and constellations make their presence known in the sky. Read Psalm 19:1. Ask each person to share one way to see God's glory reflected in creation.
Photo Credit: ©SolStock
Originally published Wednesday, 18 September 2024.