Fall is here, and the weather is cooling down. If summer's high temps kept you inside, now is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy those fall temperatures. Even better? Getting outside with your grandkids. Kids love to be outside no matter the weather, so they will be glad to spend time with you.
Let's talk about outdoor safety.
Before we get into all the fun activities, let's take a minute to talk about outdoor safety. Here are some things to remember:
Apply sunscreen. Even though the sun is not as hot, kids still need to wear it.
Wear the right clothing. Make sure the kids are wearing comfortable clothes like long-sleeved shirts, pants, and sneakers. Closed-toe shoes are a must this time of year; the days of flip-flops are over.
Make sure you spray them with insect repellant so the bugs don't attack.
Keep a first aid kit on hand in your car or in your backpack if hiking or camping. You never know when someone will scrape a knee or a hand.
Stay hydrated. Keep bottles of water and juice on hand.
Disinfectant wipes. These will be very helpful if someone falls and gets their hands dirty or if they need to use them after going to the bathroom when a sink with soap and water isn't available.
Light snacks. Keep packs of cookies or crackers or small pieces of fruit on hand for a snack.
Your cell phone. Always make sure to fully charge your cell phone and add both emergency numbers and parent numbers to your contacts. If possible, keep a portable charger on hand.
A camera. This is an extra reason to keep your cell phone charged. So you can take a lot of pictures. These outdoor activities will become cherished memories one day.
Make sure you tell someone where you're going, who is with you, and what you are doing. We live in an uncertain world and you never know when your life will change in an instant. It's always good to let someone know where you are or are going to be.

1. Go to the Playground
Taking your grandkids to the playground is a great opportunity to spend time together. There is plenty of space to run around in and tons of different outdoor play equipment to enjoy.
You can catch them at the end of the slide, push them on the swings, or push them on the merry-go-round. Other parents, grandparents, and kids will also be there, so they won't get bored. They may see one or more of their classmates that they can play with.
Having extra places to sit will help you have a mix of interaction and letting them play for a while on their own and get some energy out.

2. Go Fishing
Pick up your grandkids early in the morning and take them fishing. You could bring a picnic lunch and stop through the drive-thru for a special treat for breakfast.
Once you get to your fishing spot, spread out a blanket or sit on the bank. Show them how to bait the hook and throw the line into the water. This is a great way to teach them something and spend some quality time together, too. You will probably have lots of conversations about all different things, and since electronics won't distract them, now would be a great time to share stories about your life and the lessons you have learned.
Depending on how things go, you could spend just the morning, half the day, or all day fishing. If you catch something, make sure you take it home and show your grandchild how to clean it and cook it.
Don't forget to bring lunch, the tackle box and life jackets.

3. Go Camping
Gather up the tents and gear and go camping for the weekend. Check the overnight temperatures so you can pack accordingly.
Kids will love sitting around a bonfire roasting hot dogs, cooking dinners, or making s'mores. This is a great time to teach them about how to set up a tent, build a fire, and how to cook over a fire. Sit around and tell some semi-spooky stories or make one up as you go.
Spend the day exploring nature on a hike and learning about the animals and bugs that are native to your area.

4. Visit the Beach
Most people think of the beach only in the summer, but it's still a great place to visit in the fall. If the temperatures allow for swimming, you and your grandkids are likely to have the beaches all to yourselves, as they will be deserted.
Walk along the beach at night and enjoy the waves and moonlight. Look for seashells in the daytime.
To make it easier to spend more time at the beach, rent a house on the beach or book a hotel that is nearby. This way, you will have the best of both worlds.

5. Hunt for Treasure
This time of year, your yard will probably be full of leaves. Before you rake them all up, why not have a treasure hunt with your grandkids? Go to the dollar store and buy prizes to hide under the leaves and in other areas of your backyard. Put each item in a plastic sandwich or quart-size bag to avoid getting dirty. Buy three prizes for each grandchild and label each bag with a name. This way, everyone will easily know which prize is intended for whom. Then, hide them under the leaves, in the trees, under the front door mat, etc., and let them loose. For some extra fun, ask your neighbors if you can hide a few things in their yard too to make things more interesting.
They will have a blast looking for treasure and you will have glorious memories to cherish.

6. Hunt for Leaves and Acorns
Fall is a beautiful time to go for a walk with your grandkids. There is so much beauty to behold. Instead of just looking at leaves, have your grandkids look for leaves and acorns to bring home while on your walk. Plan a craft to do with these items once you get home from your walk.

7. Visit a Farm or Petting Zoo
Going to a farm or petting zoo is a great way to get outside and breathe some fresh air. Kids love animals, so they will be glad to learn about and pet some fun and furry creatures.
You can do other things on the farm, like pick your own apples, walk through a corn maze, go on a pony ride, or play on some outdoor playground equipment. Every farm is different and will offer unique experiences, so look around in your area and see where the best place is to take your grandkids.

8. Play Outdoor Games
Go out in your backyard and play some outdoor games. You could play catch, toss the football, play frisbee, or even play badminton or croquet. Or you could hit the driveway and shoot some hoops.
You could also go somewhere and play miniature golf, go to the batting cages, or even drive go-karts. Another option is playing on a tennis court, the golf course, or the community basketball court.
Photo credit: © Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages

9. Go to the Park
The park is the perfect place to take your grandkids for fun. There is plenty of wide open space for them to run around and get all their energy out. You could play a game of tag or throw the football. Or take a kite and fly it or even play a game of tag. Most parks have playground equipment that kids can play on as well.
Photo credit: ©Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash

10. Go Swimming
This won't be an option for everyone in the fall, but if you live in an area with warm temperatures, take your grandkids and go swimming. In some areas, having a pool is common, so you can bring them to your house or go over to theirs to take a dip and have fun.
You can still do this even when the temperatures aren't quite warm enough. Research online and see if any of the hotels near you have a heated outdoor pool. This way, you can still go swimming with your grandkids. Book a room for the night and get ready for a sleepover after several hours in the pool. Worst-case scenario, they will have an indoor pool with windows to see outside, which, for most kids, is close enough to the outdoors.
There are all kinds of fun activities to do outdoors with your grandkids. Remember to keep safety in mind and choose one or two things you would like to do with your grandchild or grandchildren soon. You are bound to have a great time making memories in this beautiful fall weather.
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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Trevor Williams
Originally published Thursday, 31 October 2024.